Home Entertainment REVIEW – Cirk La Putyka and Kyiv Municipal Academy – Boom

REVIEW – Cirk La Putyka and Kyiv Municipal Academy – Boom

credits - Ian Georgeson. Cirk La Putkya in their show Boom


A FEW days after the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, a group of young performers came together and collaborated to bring you the incredible show, Boom. 

Cirk La Putyka and Kyiv Muncipal Academy of Variety and Circus Art bring you a show about “family, freedom and borders”.  

This extraordinary display of dance, acrobatic and circus skills accompanied by chilling music will amaze the whole family. 

The story replicates the two groups meeting and embracing not only each other, but their languages and traditions too. 

Cirk La Putkya and Kyiv Municipal Academy bring their show Boom to the Edinburgh Fringe.
Cirk La Putkya and Kyiv Municipal Academy team up for this awe-inspiring performance. (C) Ian Georgeson

The Czechs tell us what makes them happy, whilst the Ukrainians speak about the fear and worries they had at the start of the war – bringing an overwhelming sense of realism and impact to the audience.

These young people have fled a war, but here they are, doing what they love and performing. 

The show is a menagerie of unpredictability.

In one moment, the stage is littered with a sprinkling of showpeople showcasing a range of striking artistic abilities.

Then, within seconds, the stage comes alive, packed with performers, leaving an awestruck audience feeling almost claustrophobic.

Everywhere you look there is something different going on.

Whilst impressive and commendable in itself, the chaos and clamour on stage does mean that a glance in one direction can leave you feeling as though you’re missing something else in another section of the stage.

With an array of astonishing acrobats, aerialists, gymnasts and dancers, though the performers not only show strength and skill, but an impeccable sense of creativity as they direct the last ten minutes of the show themselves. 

It really is a captivating and exciting display that the young performers have put on in such a short time. 

Rostislav Novák, Artistic Director of Cirk La Putyka describes the show as “circus generations connected by one stage, one event, one moment.”

And his analysis rings true upon viewing this epic performance unravel for yourself.

Boom is a truly incredible spectacle, whose startling grandeur can only be fully appreciated in person.

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