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Office workers praised for entertaining queuing Queen mourners by handing out G&Ts and performing Oasis from window

Adam performing.

A GROUP of office workers have been praised for entertaining mourners in the queue for the Queen lying-in-state over the weekend by handing out G&Ts and performing Oasis songs from their window.

Adam Williams played the guitar and sang to crowds queuing outside his company office next to Tower Bridge in London from Thursday to Sunday.

The 31-year-old, co-founder of sustainability platform WherefromUK, was filmed leaning out of a window to perform Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis as a line of people cheered and clapped.

His colleague, Bertie Calvert, was then filmed poking his head out of the window and asking people: “Does anyone want a gin and tonic?”

He is then shown handing out cans to various ecstatic members of the public who are delighted by the kind gesture.

Another clip then shows Adam quizzing the masses on what type of taxidermy animal they think he is holding, before revealing it to be a pine marten.

While Bertie is later shown getting involved by keeping the crowd chatting by asking if they would wear a pair of abnormally high Crocs.

He is then shown handing out more cans of alcohol to willing recipients before the clip comes to an end.

The video was posted on WherefromUK’s company TikTok page on Sunday writing: “Keeping the folks queuing to see the Queen entertained.”

The video has now collected over 3.9 million views and more than 530,000 likes.

Entertaining Queen queues
Adam performing.

Over 2,000 people commented after being impressed by the office workers and their thoughtful gestures.

One said: “I was in the queue when this happened, amazing you lot are.”

Another wrote: “Aww you guys are legends.”

A third added: “Omg the old man at the end that wanted a drink but then pointed to the woman instead, selfless king I hope he got one!”

A fourth replied: “We were there when you threw the drinks out. It was such a fun and lovely thing to do, thank you.”

Speaking today, Adam said: “The queue started on Thursday and happened to go outside our offices.

“We were giving out freebies, doing quizzes, singing songs and dancing and playing the drums.

“They loved it, you’ve got to think these guys stuck in queues for hours bored ss so they were excited to be entertained by something that wasn’t their phone.

“There’s something quite beautiful about that brings people together.

“We handed out gin and tonics and some sustainability energy drinks and chocolate bars.”

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