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Boxing ace Josh Taylor responds, brands opponent a “plank” after Christmas turkey jibe

JOSH Taylor has branded long-term rival Jack Catterall as a "plank" after the Englishman sent a Christmas turkey-related jibe at the boxing ace. Catterall was asked by Sky Sports News yesterday (THUR) if he had a festive Christmas message for Taylor - who defeated him earlier this year (FEB) in a highly-debated match in Glasgow. Answering the question, the 29-year-old looked into the camera and replied: "Yeah, just not too much turkey fat boy, and see you in the new year." However, the Tartan Tornado took to Twitter to hit back at Catterall - who he is set to face in a rematch in March 2023 for the WBO light welterweight belt.

JOSH Taylor has branded long-term rival Jack Catterall as a “plank” after the Englishman sent a Christmas turkey-related jibe at the boxing ace.

Catterall was asked by Sky Sports News yesterday if he had a festive Christmas message for Taylor – who defeated him earlier this year in a highly-debated match in Glasgow.

Answering the question, the 29-year-old looked into the camera and replied: “Yeah, just not too much turkey fat boy, and see you in the new year.”

Josh Taylor has branded long-term rival Jack Catterall as a “plank”. Credits: Twitter.

However, the Tartan Tornado took to Twitter to hit back at Catterall – who he is set to face in a rematch in March 2023 for the WBO light welterweight belt.

The Prestonpans native quoted Sky Sports Boxing’s tweet yesterday writing: “Doesn’t this guy realise that turkey is one of the leanest meats out there. #plank

Taylor accompanied the tweet with a laughing emoji as his response attracted hundreds of likes and dozens of comments from boxing fans.

Many people back Taylor to win the rematch and leave little doubt in anybody’s mind over the first contest.

However, the comments were split over both the previous fight and the one now scheduled for March in Glasgow.

One said: “Done him once and will do it again, it always happens. You will pick him off like cherries from a tree this time. 119-110 x 3.”

Another added: “Couple of turkeys gave you the win last time.”

A third replied: “You tell him, champ.”

Another retorted: “You underestimated him the first fight, Josh. Don’t make the same mistake twice. You’re that good that it’s always in your own hands. Keep it that way, pal.”

A fifth said: “Josh just win and put this debate to bed. Happy Christmas pal.”

Catterall’s loss to Taylor in February 2022 was the first of his career, ending his pre-fight record of 26 wins and 0 losses.

The hotly contested rematch between the pair is scheduled for 4 March next year at the OVO Hydro in Glasgow, and was described as “locked in” by boxing promoter Ben Shalom earlier this week.

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