Home News Photographer travels nearly 1,000 miles to capture “dream photograph”

Photographer travels nearly 1,000 miles to capture “dream photograph”

Rob captured stunning images of the home in the snow.

A PHOTOGRAPHER has travelled nearly 1,000 miles with the aim of capturing his “dream photograph” – a series of stunning images depicting a famous Scots house covered in snow.

Rob Waddingham was inspired to take the 974 mile roadtrip from Lincoln, Lincolnshire up to Loch Glass in the Scottish Highlands last month after feeling deflated with his recent photography.

The 39-year-old had always wanted to snap pictures of the famous Culzie Lodge – which lies on the Loch’s shores – covered in snow after seeing photos of it online, but never had the chance previously.

The pink house
Rob captured stunning images of the home in the snow. Credit: Rob Waddingham

However, after spotting that it had snowed in the Highlands on Instagram last month, Rob immediately took off up north, resulting in him capturing a series of astonishing images of the bright pink building.

The abandoned Culzie Lodge, often known simply as the Pink House, lies just 26 miles from Inverness but has become a massive tourist attraction as it paints a striking picture on the south bank of Loch Glass.

Snapper Rob says that as soon as he realised it was snowing up north, he immediately booked a cheap hotel and headed to the Loch on a 48-hour long trip to capture his dream photograph.

Rob’s stunning images show the pink property surrounded by the total whiteout of snow, creating a sheer contrast of bold, bright colours against the near-black and white backdrop.

The building lays still and silent against the backdrop of Loch Glass and the snow that has covered Ben Wyvis, which towers behind.

The house looks hauntingly peaceful sat by the shores, with no signs of life visible in the air, water nor the shrubs that dot the landscape.

Rob shared his images to social media on Sunday, writing: “I took a 974 mile road trip up to Scotland last weekend to take a photo of the Loch Glass pink house covered in snow.

“I started in Glencoe and went across to the Cairngorms and finished at Loch Glass all in 36 hours.

“What an amazing trip, here’s some photos I got along the way.”

His post received over 1,900 likes with more than 190 comments from users left in awe of the striking images.

Karen Hammersley said: “Lovely collection [of photos], that was one determined tour considering the weather conditions.”

Maria Hoyos Ruiz said: “All your house photos are stunning, especially love the ones with the pink house, beautiful.”

Rob travelled almost 1,000 miles to take the picture which inspired him. Credit: Rob Waddingham

Brenda MacDonald said: “What’s not to love, Scotland is beautiful just like the majority of people who live here.”

Kathleen Murphy said: “Your drive was worth it, the pictures are gorgeous.”

Speaking today, Rob said: “I had been feeling really uninspired lately after having some big jobs last year.

“I had a taste of what I had dreamed of and then going from that to back to normal it hit hard.

“I just wasn’t feeling it when it came to going and taking photos and even when I would go places I would take a nice landscape but leave feeling uninspired and deflated.

“I needed something to get my spark back as I was getting upset that I was losing the passion.

“I saw the Loch Glass Pink House about five years ago in a photo and I needed to get my own as I absolutely fell in love with that place but I needed it covered in snow.

“I was at home scrolling Instagram and up pops a photo of the house posted a few hours ago and it’s snow covered.

“I had to do it, it was what I needed and so I checked my diary and saw I had the next 48 hours free so I went online and got the cheapest hotel I could find.

“I left my house at 3am and just drove but it was so worth it. As soon as I saw that first mountain covered in snow I just felt free.

“My head started seeing all of the photos and that’s something I had lost, photography is my therapy.

“I almost gave up on the day of the Loch Glass visit because the snow was bad and roads were just sheet ice but I had gotten this far and I couldn’t give up now.

“I abandoned my car in the snow as safely as I could and just walked and got to the house at about 10:30am and spent two hours there.

“I left at 1pm and drove back – I got home at 9pm.

“I was knackered but I’m used to doing trips and I came back feeling inspired and I’ve vowed to work through my bucket list of photos now.”

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