Home Partner Posts Jacob Korenblum on How Technology Impacts Climate Action

Jacob Korenblum on How Technology Impacts Climate Action

Photo by Florian Krumm on Unsplash

When people mention climate change, they are usually referring to the changing weather conditions around the world that are a result of the increased output of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere over the past century. Climate action, on the other hand, refers to the steps that people take to help combat this phenomenon. Climate action can include anything from conserving energy at home to writing to politicians to persuade them to put policies into place to help the planet. In recent years, people familiar with how different countries interact with each other, such as Jacob Korenblum, are seeing technology play an increasing role in climate action. Here are some ways that technology impacts climate action.

Photo by Florian Krumm on Unsplash

Technology Allows People To Coordinate

Technology makes it easier for people to communicate and coordinate than ever before via mobile phones and other devices. This is important for combating climate change because people can meet others who have the same goals and figure out ways that they can help make a difference together. This might include going to conferences, organizing events in their local area to bring awareness to climate change or making a joint effort to contact their congressperson.

Technology Makes Climate Action Easier

Technology also makes it easier to directly combat climate change. For example, the growing popularity of electric cars means that people who want to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions now have an alternative to walking, biking or taking public transportation. The urgency to combat climate change means that many companies are racing to develop new products that use less energy and emit less of the pollutants that are responsible for changes in weather patterns around the globe. One way that companies are doing this is by creating more alternative sources of energy via technologies like windmills and solar panels.

Technology Facilitates Understanding

Technology allows scientists to continue studying climate change and increase the amount of knowledge that they have about the situation. When those who are in charge better understand climate change, they can do more to promote climate action. NASA, for example, built satellites that are now used to observe incidences of glacial melt and deforestation, which are two of the many indicators of possible climate change.

Jacob Korenblum Bio

Jacob Korenblum is helping to lead the way for businesses to take a more global approach to their marketing operations and become more aware of humanitarian crises around the world, such as famines. He graduated from the University of Toronto, where he studied International Relations, and then went on to attend Harvard University, where he received a master’s degree in International Education Policy. Jacob Korenblum speaks French fluently and participates in skiing and sailing when not busy with his advisory work.

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