Home News Animal News Hilarious video shows Scots woman’s Kylie Minogue pub karaoke dedication – to...

Hilarious video shows Scots woman’s Kylie Minogue pub karaoke dedication – to a gatecrashing pigeon

Christeen MacMurdie.
A HILARIOUS video shows a Scots woman dedicating a live pub karaoke performance of Kylie Minogue - to a gatecrashing pigeon in the rafters. Christeen MacMurdie was hosting karaoke at the Waterloo Bar in Glasgow last Sunday (02 JUL), as she does every week - but this time with an unexpected visitor. The 56-year-old was in the middle of her rendition of Kylie Minogue's Padam Padam when she decided to get a trapped pigeon hanging around the pub's ceiling involved in the frivolities. The clip shows Christeen half way through her song when she excitedly points out the pigeon and changes the song's lyrics.

A HILARIOUS video shows a Scots woman dedicating a live pub karaoke performance of Kylie Minogue – to a gatecrashing pigeon in the rafters.

Christeen MacMurdie was hosting karaoke at the Waterloo Bar in Glasgow last Sunday, as she does every week – but this time with an unexpected visitor.

The 56-year-old was in the middle of her rendition of Kylie Minogue’s Padam Padam when she decided to get a trapped pigeon hanging around the pub’s ceiling involved in the frivolities.

The clip shows Christeen half way through her song when she excitedly points out the pigeon and changes the song’s lyrics.

Instead of Padam Padam. Christeen can be heard crooning: “Pigeon, pigeon, I hear it and I know, pigeon, pigeon I know you wanna take me home, pigeon and get to know me close.”

The video pans between Christeen pointing upwards to the pigeon, before the camera person hilariously loses sight of the animal, which has fled from its original perch.

The camera swiftly finds the bird again, which is now perched atop a speaker on the wall, nonchalantly staring back at the woman dedicating an entire song to it.

The video was uploaded to social media on Friday with the caption: “One of the best Padam covers I’ve seen so far on Instagram.”

The video has since received over 130,000 likes and over 980 comments from users left in stitches by Christeen’s performance.

One user wrote: “Peak British culture.”

Another wrote: “Why did she actually eat that up.”

A third commented: “He said finally some representation.”

Another wrote: “Kylie would love this.”

A fifth replied: “The stars aligned for this fantastic moment.”

Speaking today Christeen said: “I host Karaoke every Sunday 3pm and 5pm on Whacky Wednesday in the Waterloo Bar, Argyle Street.

“It’s the oldest gay bar in Glasgow dating back to the 50s, I think. Because of the heat in Scotland, the doors had been left open and it just toddled in. But couldn’t find its way back out.

“As soon as I walked in to do my Karaoke gig everyone was looking up. And then I clocked said pigeon.

“I had been singing Padam Padam for a couple of weeks and the LGBTQI+ family obviously all love Kylie.

“So, I started singing it and the pigeon (someone called it Percy) started to fly about. I then automatically changed it to Pigeon Pigeon.

“We all tried to coo it down. We were throwing titbits for it like bread but to no avail. The ceilings in the Waterloo are 20ft high so our ladders wouldn’t even touch it.

“The crowd were all cooing and joining in, laughing and singing along.

“I’ve sung it numerous times since then and they demand that I stick to Pigeon Pigeon.

“The pigeon toddled out the door casually on the Tuesday. Three days it had been stuck.

“Manageress Alison had called the RSPCA on the Monday I think but they said ‘Give it another day, it may find its way out.'”

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