Home Partner Posts How do supplements help with tooth decay?

How do supplements help with tooth decay?

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Tooth decay is damage to a tooth’s surface or enamel caused when bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the enamel. Tooth decay can lead to cavities and if not treated well, it can cause infection, pain, and even tooth loss.

A balanced diet provides necessary nutrients that prevent tooth decay, but our everyday diet is more than often insufficient, due to our fast-paced lifestyle, which is why supplements like natural gummy vitamins, can make a big difference.

In this article, we share nutrition information, needed for oral good health and tooth decay prevention, as well as possible solutions for the unbalanced diet that may cause this unpleasant oral problem.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Diet as a protection against tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common oral health problems. People are keen to believe that the only problem that causes it is bad oral hygiene, but nutrition has a much bigger role in preventing this frequent oral condition than we used to think.

The global burden of oral health is rising, especially in low, and middle-income countries, writes the World Health Organization. The question that arises is how can this be, considering the advances in technology and medicine. The answer might be in our nutrition.

Vitamins and minerals play an indispensable role in our organism, and our mouth is not an exception. We need nutrition that contains enough calcium, vitamin D, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin C, to maintain oral health and prevent diseases such as tooth decay.

How to prevent tooth decay with supplementation?

To prevent oral acid that causes tooth decay, we should consume food that potentiates remineralization. Vitamins and minerals, especially those with antioxidant properties, are our allies

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant. It protects organisms from free radicals and helps with iron absorption. Unfortunately, this irreplaceable vitamin can not be produced by our organisms. Iron and vitamin C gummy vitamins can be a practical and delicious way to replenish our organism with these important nutrients.

Iron deficiency affects some other parts of our bodies, and that damage is visible to other people. Pale skin and brittle nails are some of the symptoms which indicate that we need to

change our diet or consider supplements. Gummy hair, skin and nail boost is another supplement from Chewwies, designed to help you reestablish nutritional balance.

Calcium is known to be important for bone health, but it plays an important role in our dental health as well. It strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay. Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and therefore should be consumed regularly.

Final words

Tooth decay is a serious and frequent dental problem in today’s world. It happens when the process of demineralization in our mouths is stronger than the process of remineralization.

We can prevent this from happening with the right food, but the modern way of life and the fast food culture often makes us miss out on providing our bodies with everything we need. 

Sugar and acidic food are those to avoid, and vitamins and minerals are the ones we need, especially those with antioxidant qualities. Consider supplementation as a solution for the imbalanced diet and help yourself maintain good oral and general wealth.

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