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Scots grandad left stunned after car is broken into – with only his disability badge stolen

The man was stunned to find that only his blue badge was stolen.

A SCOTS grandad has been left stunned after waking up to find his car broken into – but only his blue disability badge taken.

Mohamed Hameed was alerted by his friend and neighbour that his motor had been broken into shortly after he parked up earlier this month on Regent Street in Portobello, Edinburgh.

The 65-year-old found his driver’s side window totally shattered but was left confused upon realising the only thing that had been taken was his blue parking badge.

Mohamed later took to social media to appeal for information about the crime, after reporting to the police due to his concerns over previous “racially motivated” vandalism to his car.

The man was stunned to find that only his blue badge was stolen.
The man was stunned to find that only his blue badge was stolen.

Mohamed posted earlier this month: “I had my car window smashed between 6pm Friday evening and early Saturday morning while parked in Regent Street.

“The only thing that seems to have been taken is my Blue Badge.

“If anyone knows anything about this or has video footage, I’d be grateful if they could let me know.”

He included photos showing the extensive damage to his car which he has since had to pay to replace out of his own pocket.

The post received dozens of likes and comments from locals offering Mohamed help and advice to try and get the local grandad his Blue Badge back.

One said: “The amount of cars being smashed recently for people’s badges inside it’s beyond a joke, make sure to take it out if you’re not in […] the f***ers will take them.”

Another added: “This happened to someone a few days ago. Always take your Blue Badge in with you. Don’t leave in cars, especially at night.”

A third replied: “The scum know that Blue Badges are worth a lot of money and considering this council are making parking in Edinburgh so difficult then it’s no surprise this type of crime has and will increase.”

Speaking today Mohamed said: “I parked my car around 5:40 on Friday evening in the usual Blue Badge space after collecting my grandson from nursery.

“I was alerted by a friend who lives in Windsor Place the following morning that my car had been broken into.

“I went to inspect the car expecting the glove compartment to have been rifled through, but nothing had been touched apart from the Blue Badge.

“I reported it to the police as is practice but especially because I had experienced similar damage to the car previously which was racially motivated (went to court once the perpetrator was apprehended).

“I did not even know that stealing Blue Badges was an issue but have been told that they sell for hundreds.

“It cost me £125 for glass replacement which I could have done without so soon after Christmas. I am now forced not to use the Blue Badge except if I’m in an area where I have to pay to park.

“It will mean far more inconvenience to me trying to find a parking space as Portobello is such a nightmare.”

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