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Family Feud Over Vicky’s Belongings


THE family of Peter Tobin victim Vicky Hamilton are locked in a bitter feud over her personal belongings.

Vicky’s father and sister are battling over who keeps the items of jewellery found when her body was discovered.

Michael Hamilton visited the Crown Office today (Tuesday) expecting to receive Vicky’s purse, rings, and other items in time for the Christmas holiday.

But he was told by a senior official that his estranged daughter, Sharon, had put in a rival bid for the items.

The two fell out over Vicky’s burial arrangements and unless they can reach a compromise, the case could end up in the courts.

A Crown Office spokesperson said: “We can confirm that the Procurator Fiscal at Edinburgh met with Michael Hamilton today.

“The Procurator Fiscal will continue to work to return Vicky’s property to her family as quickly as possible.

“It would not be appropriate to comment further on ongoing private discussions with a bereaved family.”

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