Home Multimedia Pix: Irish Shark moves to Scotland on St Patrick Day

Pix: Irish Shark moves to Scotland on St Patrick Day

A giant sand tiger shark that outgrew its home in an Irish aquarium has been released into the giant ocean display at Deep Sea World, North Queensferry on St Patrick’s Day.
The 2.2 metre-long shark, which weighs around 100kgs, travelled by road and sea from the south west tip of Ireland to reach its new home in an ambitious 18-hour mission last week.

Now, after spending time in the aquarium’s quarantine tank, the shark is being released into Deep Sea World’s 4.5 million litre Underwater Safari display.

Deep Sea World’s Tina Aydon, who accompanied the shark on its journey from Dingle in County Kerry, said: “The fact that we’re able to release him on St Patrick’s Day is a complete coincidence.

A team of divers will use a giant stretcher to gently carry the shark the short distance from the quarantine tank into a holding area, where a gate linking it to the main display will be opened.

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