Home In Brief Easter Bunny takes a plunge…with sharks

Easter Bunny takes a plunge…with sharks

The diving Easter bunny will be looking for shark eggs

AN intrepid Easter Bunny is taking the plunge at Deep Sea World, Scotland’s national aquarium, over the Easter holidays – in search of shark eggs!

The diving bunny – complete with floppy ears and basket – is exploring the depths of the North Queensferry aquarium’s 4.5 million litre Underwater Safari for shark and ray egg-cases as well as helping out with fish feeds.

The diving Easter bunny will be looking for shark eggs


The display is home to one of Europe’s largest shark and ray collections including angel sharks, stingrays, tope and giant sand tiger sharks.

Deep Sea World’s Aisling Thornton said: “The plan is for the bunny to try and collect as many different types of shark and ray egg-cases during her dive.

“These will then go on display in special nursery tanks where visitors will be able to watch them grow, develop and, eventually we hope, hatch into babies.

“Our divers regularly collect eggs from the display but, as it is Easter, we thought that we should enlist the help of our very own diving bunny to lead the underwater hunt,” she added.

The Easter Diving Bunny will be taking the plunge during the aquarium’s daily dive shows throughout the Easter holidays.

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