Home News Scottish News Edinburgh zoo launches latest animal cam

Edinburgh zoo launches latest animal cam


FIRST there was penguin cam, then there was panda cam, and now Edinburgh Zoo has launched squirrel monkey cam.

Online viewers can now get live ‘fly on the wall’ access to the squirrel monkeys in Edinburgh Zoo’s Living Links exhibition.  A 20 strong boisterous troop of lively little monkeys, there’s never a dull moment in their enclosure.

Following the success of penguin cam, which launched in June 2009, Edinburgh Zoo launched panda cam at the end of 2011.  Astoundingly panda cam has just this week reached over a million hits.  Squirrel monkey cam is the latest online 24/7 window into the lives of the animal inhabitants at Edinburgh Zoo.

Extremely playful, social and packed full of energy, look out for dominant male 11 year old Rio – easily recognisable as he’s the biggest squirrel monkey by far; and curious babies Orla, Freya, Zipi and Eduardo born in November last year – not shy, these bossy youngsters are making their mark within the group and have been spotted trying to dominate their older siblings already.

Native to the rainforests of South America, the character-packed monkeys are instantly identifiable due to their bright yellow legs and arms. They can be found living in groups of up to 300 monkeys.

Squirrel monkey cam is currently available exclusively for Edinburgh Zoo Facebook fans http://www.facebook.com/EdinburghZooScotland, but goes live on the Zoo’s website on Thursday, May 17 http://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/monkeycam.html

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