Home News Scottish News Swan injured by fishing hooks

Swan injured by fishing hooks


THE Scottish SPCA is urging fishing enthusiasts in the Scottish Borders to ensure they clear away all lines and tackle after a swan was found with hooks attached to its foot and leg.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity rescued the injured male after he was spotted by a member of the public at Cauldshiels Loch on 9 May.

One hook which had become embedded under his foot was successfully taken out by Animal Rescue Officer Mairi Stewart, while a second barbed hook in his leg had to be removed by a vet.

This swan was found with hooks attached to its foot and leg

ARO Stewart said, “This poor swan had to be separated from his partner and eggs but, thankfully, we were able to remove the hooks safely and return him back to the loch within an hour.

“We think he’d had these hooks attached to him for a few days and this would have been causing him a lot of pain and discomfort.

“This isn’t the first time the poor swans on this loch have been injured by fishing tackle litter. Unfortunately, it happens year on year.

“Although the majority of fishing enthusiast are responsible and clear away their lines and tackle after use, sadly, there is a minority who do not.

“General rubbish such as glass, cans and plastic also pose a significant risk to the swans so we are appealing to members of the public to consider the welfare of the wildlife in the area and clear up after themselves.”

Anyone who discovers an injured or distressed animal should call the Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline on 03000 999 999.

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