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Moving moment woman hears late husband’s voice coming from toy bear gift from granddaughter


VIDEO of a grandmother receiving a toy bear which she then realises plays a recording of her late husband’s voice has left the internet in tears.

Chloe Boyle filmed as her gran Elaine Galloway opened a box containing the bear and is told to press the paw.

On hearing the recording she immediately dissolves into tears and tries to hide her face behind the toy realising the voice is of her late husband, Archie, who passed away almost three years ago at the age of 65.

Chloe, 17, from Livingston, West Lothian, bought the Build-A-Bear for the anniversary of her grandparents, who lived nearby.

After posting the clip online Tuesday night she received hundreds of reactions from viewers, many of whom say it reduced them to tears.

Chloe from Livingston posted the video on twitter and wrote: “Got my gran a build-a-bear with my papas voice in it for their anniversary, so special grandparents mean the absolute world”.

The video shows Elaine, 67, opening the box and picking up a build-a-bear from inside it.

Elaine photographed with late husband Archie

Elaine surprised by the gift can be heard saying “oh for goodness sake” as she gazes upon her new gift.

Chloe then tells her gran to “press its hand” as Elaine’s dog Misty appears in shot by Elaine’s side.

After pressing the hand a recording comes from the bear which is believed to be from a video when Archie was in hospital.

Elaine was shocked to hear Archie’s voice come from the bear

Archie can be heard saying: “Hello my darling, I love you darling”. When Elaine hears this she immediately cradles the bear close towards her and begins to cry.

The touching moment is shared with her dog who jumps up on her lap to comfort her.

After a moment of silence Elaine again presses the hand and plays the message. This time her dog stretches up to the bear to sniff it as it recognises the voice.

Misty recognised Archie’s voice in a touching moment

The video has since been viewed over 395,000 views since it was uploaded to Twitter on Tuesday night.

Much like Elaine many people on social media were overwhelmed by the gift.

Kellyconnor85 said: “Woah tears running down my face. Very thoughtful very sweet thing to do”.

Kirsty_muirhead added: “oh my god I love them two so much this makes me so sad”.

Macdee1888 wrote: “God bless ya that was beautiful. And the dogs reaction as well”.

Social media fell in love with this incredibly strong woman

EllisbryantX said: “That’s the most precious thing i’ve seen bless her”.

Ashmenzies_ added: “You best believe I am crying at this, how thoughtful of her fam”.

Rikkibates wrote: “Love it how she hides her face so you can’t see her crying!! What a woman”.

Kieranmcanena27 added: “Stuff like this is amazing”.

The video moved many people to tears

Chloe was a little nervous giving her gran the present.

Chloe said: “I was a wee bit scared in case she didn’t like it. I didn’t know how she would react because it is such a big present to give her.

“It seemed like he was right here. Misty the dog never left the bear’s side all night. We thought it was a really thoughtful gift”.

Chloe was stunned by the reaction her video has had online

Chloe was surprised by the social media attention she got after she posted the video.

Chloe continued: “I was so shocked. I ended up having to turn my phone off because I kept getting notifications. It is the little things that mean the most”.

Build-A-Bear is a product that can be customised and designed to your choosing, and is a popular gift.

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