Home News Postman Cat – Moggy waits by letterbox, grabs mail and stashes it...

Postman Cat – Moggy waits by letterbox, grabs mail and stashes it away upstairs


By Cammy Anderson

HILARIOUS video shows a cat that loves to wait by the front door for the postie to arrive, grabs the mail, and then stages it upstairs.

Linnet, six, is seen in the clip waiting for a small parcel to come through the letterbox.

She leaps at the package, knocking it to the floor, and then gently picks it up with her mouth before heading up the stairs to her hiding place.

Linnet was eagerly awaiting the post appearing.

Author Fox Benwell, from Cambridge, posted the clip online where it has been viewed more than 126,000 times.

The 34-year-old wrote: “Internet! May I present to you, ENTHUSIASTIC POST-CAT, who often waits by the door for our postie or those charity-bag drop offs, and stashes all her spoils upstairs.”

@luveen, from Neath, responded: “Oh I just love that cat, it made me laugh and laugh.”

@catofnineswords, from Melbourne, commented: “I want a mail hoarding kitty.”

@lizziebooks, from Hebden Bride, added: “Your cat is my new favourite, what a cutie.”

She is known to hoard anything she can get her teeth into.

@gingerlee13, from Cambridge, said: “That is just awesome.”

@EmmaJoyReay, also from Cambridge, commented: “This is so brilliant.”

@jenguin19, from Queensland, added: “So funny.”

Speaking today, Fox said: “One day I found a charity collection bag on the floor upstairs.

The 6-year-old cat confidently struts upstairs with her spoils.

“It kept happening – flyers, letters, bags – I had no idea how they were getting there, and then one day she did it while I was working.

“She also goes for letters and smallish parcels, anything she can get her teeth into and lift, and she’ll often wait by the door for the postie.”

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