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Step Up Your Stories Strategy to Enhance Your Instagram Following


With over 500 million people that tune in to Instagram every day, there is not a single brand out there that doesn’t want to attract these potential buyers to their business profiles. Companies try everything from gorgeous photos, engaging videos and catchy hashtags. However, there is one feature that many of them overlook: Instagram Stories.

If you want to enhance your Instagram following, you will have to step up your game and make the best out of your Instagram Stories. Here is how to do it!

Use Stickers to Attract Followers

Instagram Stories have a certain appeal as stand-alone features. More than 50% of businesses on Instagram worldwide use them at least one time per month. Nevertheless, they become even more attractive when you combine them with other decorative options, such as stickers.

Instagram Stories stickers come in various forms and shapes, and you can use them in a multitude of ways to attract even more followers to your profile. Here are the main categories of stickers:

Location Stickers

Whenever you post a new Instagram Story, you need to take into account that many of the viewers have only just found out about your business. By adding location stickers you let them know where you are and make it easier for those in your vicinity to pay you a visit.

Mention Stickers

Instagram Stories let you tag other accounts just as easy as regular posts do. You can use mention stickers to promote other brands, users or events. It is an easy way to create connections between your brand and other companies and attract new followers.

Hashtag Stickers

You can easily include hashtags in your Instagram stories. This feature lets you use up to 11 different hashtags that can be anything from the most popular ones on the platform to the ones that you have customized specifically for your brand.

Build Up Traffic to Your Website

Instagram Stories is a nifty option for showing off your brand with photos and short videos during a 24-hour window. However, if you want to build a large following that eventually provides customers for your business you will need to make the best of its features.

According to Instagram experts from InstaGrowing, you can use stories to direct traffic to your website, your e-shop or your blog. You can do so by including the “Swipe” option in your daily stories.

Simply create a promotion or a revealing event on your website, and then offer a sneak preview of it in your Insta Story. Ask viewers to “Swipe up” for more information, and they will be redirected to your company’s webpage.

You don’t want to use this strategy every day as to not upset your viewers with endless previews. However, you can use it at least twice per week to bring more people from Instagram to your website and potentially enhance your sales.

Include Polls in Your Instagram Stories

Instagram users love to take part in polls. They want to see that their vote counts and that they are on the winning side of whatever debate you wish to propose.

You should use the “Poll” feature in your Instagram Stories to increase user engagement. People will not only take pleasure in voting, but they will return again and again to see the results. Additionally, if you choose to pay for Instagram followers you will have even more people taking part in your polls, which will make your profile increasingly popular.

To maximize the efficiency of a poll in your Instagram Story, you can follow up the next day with the final results. You may even DM some of the users who took part in your poll and inquire about their option. This kind of direct communication will prove to them that you are a brand that pays close attention to what its followers have to say.

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