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7 Principles and Ways to Calculate that the Candidate Deceives You


Sometimes, candidates can be deceitful with their applications. They can lie about their criminal backgrounds, are untruthful during interviews, and bump up their CV with exaggerated accomplishments, among others.

To help you separate the wheat from the chaff, here are seven pointers sure to come in handy:

1) Analyze the CV for over-the-top information and mistakes

A recent study brought to light the fact that candidates lie about three things on a resume, namely job titles, duration in the position, and academic degrees. Responsibilities and skill sets have also proven to be the most manipulated aspect of a CV aside from the above trio.

You can identify lies on a CV by taking note of the end and start dates of listed job experiences. Vague descriptions highlighting years without going into exact dates could be a significant red flag.

Another key indication of foul play could also be hard-to-reach references, which are usually indications of fake references.

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2) Run a professional test

Your prospective employee might have said that he is familiar with a particular programming language, for example, but is he though? A professional examination will prove just that which is why you should have one in place that tests the expertise and knowledge of your potential hires.

What’s more, an aptitude test, which should be a part of your pre-employment assessment, can help you gauge problem-solving and critical thinking skills which are traits many job seekers claim to have.

A personality test can also let you in on the personal and interpersonal traits of a candidate that might make him suitable or unsuitable for the job at hand. You get to know if one is an introvert or extrovert or whether he is as honest as he claims to be in his resume.

3) Be keen on body language during interviews

Sit-down interviews enable you to gauge the accuracy of the information your candidate gives you. Someone who’s lying you to your face has a few tell-tale signs to look out for the most prominent indicator being fidgeting.

Fidgeting includes shifting in a chair, playing with fingers, or tapping/shuffling of feet. Lip biting may also be a sign of nervousness as a result of telling a lie. You may also pick that out from sudden changes in voice pitches.

Moreover, if a candidate turns his eyes away whenever you make eye contact, he might also be hiding something. Such a candidate will always prefer to fix his gaze down at the floor so watch out for that as well.

4) Ask plenty of questions

Another great way to pick out lies is by asking plenty of questions. If a candidate is extensively lying about his career feats, he is bound to slip up sooner or later. Through a plethora of questions, you can match responses of candidates to what they said earlier on via their resume or cover letter.

If the responses lack in detail and are quipped out as two-word answers or no longer than a sentence or two, that might be a sign. On the flip side, if the candidate rumbles on and on, he could be trying to cover up his tracks by bombarding you with too much detail to put you off.

5) Run a reverse phone number lookup using Spokeo

Spokeo’s reverse number search is the equivalent of a polygraph or lie detector test only cheaper and just as effective. If the interviewer is lying about who he is, his full names will pop up when you conduct a reverse phone lookup.

This strategy will also come in handy when determining the authenticity of the candidate’s references. You can match names using this Spokeo reverse number lookup to see if the references are actual real persons and if their identities are as stated by the interviewee.

6) Take a look at social media profiles

Social media profiles speak volumes about a candidate unraveling essential aspects of an applicant’s life, including whether or not the candidate indulged in drug use recently. Aside from that, you can also use personal information listed on social media channels to cross-check against any information given to you. Spokeo is the tool to turn to once again for a comprehensive phone number search to linked profiles.

7) Verify educational achievements

Does your candidate say he went to Yale University or spent a year in Harvard? If so, make a call to the college to back up these claims. Proof of schooling there is not the only thing you should be asking about, you should also be inquiring if the candidate’s academic achievements at the institution are as outlined in the CV. The same goes for the applicant’s educational degree or certificates.


The job market is rife with people ready to lie their way to employment, but these herein tips will ensure deceitful candidates never get past you.

About the Author

Valerie Malecha is a content writer for Spokeo. Her main interests are traveling, meeting new people and trying something new. She is experienced in marketing, business, travel, and technology topics.

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