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What to look out for when buying CBD oil

Photo by Rick Proctor on Unsplash

According to the most recent statistics of Health Europa, the CMC and YouGov found the following about the UK CBD market: The size of the market is as many as 6 times bigger than previous estimates. 1.3 million consumers are buying CBD products and spending over £300M a year. In the US, the market revenue from CBD products is projected to reach $16 billion by 2025 according to Forbes Magazine, a major increase compared to the estimated retail sales.

Words of Warning

The CBD market is booming no matter how you look at it. Along with this boom, it is inevitable that rogue brands will surface and there is a very real risk of buying a subpar product. Oil quality varies and it can be difficult to maintain consistency in standardization of CBD concentration. Raw oils, which are unfiltered, are difficult to regulate. They vary in cannabinoid concentration a great deal because of the different texture of the substance. More preservatives and other chemicals are present in them as well.

Photo by Rick Proctor on Unsplash

It’s hard to judge how well some CBD oils work because they can contain very little CBD varying from bottle to bottle. It’s always important to look at lab results because when tested, some raw CBD oils contain very different concentrations from what is listed on the label. Consistency of dosage and use are key in every event.

Filtered Oil

Filtered oils are by far the most popular type available. Some of these contain hemp seed oil or other essential oils and are infused with CBD. The CBD content varies but in general, products with higher content cost more. Most producers derive filtered oils from strains of the hemp plant that do not contain any THC or very little, but are developed to be rich in CBD. Usually, people take oils orally.

Liquid Consistency

When shopping for CBD oil, consistency is important to look at. For example, raw oils vary in composition a great deal. Black oils need to be heated on the stove or a warm water bath because they aren’t always liquid at room temperature. This means they have textural inconsistencies. The oil can get hard and stick to the sides and bottom of the bottle, making it difficult to remove. On the other hand, golden oil is always liquid at room temperature and therefore less vulnerable to changes in temperature.

THC Content

This is the second most important thing to look at when shopping for CBD oil. According to Reactive Plus, an authority on the matter, THC can be found in percentages of up to 0.2% in CBD oils, – very important for consumers looking to avoid any presence of psychoactive compounds. As you know, THC is the psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant, responsible for the high. Golden oils are safe, legal, and easy to use and contain the widest spectrum of Cannabnioids, Flavonoids and Terpenes whilst maintaining a purity from elements like chlorophyll and waxes from the plant..

Golden CBD oil doesn’t require special measures for consumption. Because they have a consistent concentration, one doesn’t need to worry about taking the wrong dose. This way, you keep track of your CBD dosage. Golden oils come in various volumes optimized for regular or new users as well as stronger concentrations for people looking for something more potent.

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