Home Partner Posts Have You Been Made Redundant for Health Reasons?

Have You Been Made Redundant for Health Reasons?

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

Being made redundant from your job is a stressful and upsetting time for anyone, no matter the reason. You no longer have any income security, which can put your home and your life at risk if you don’t have or cannot find the funds to compensate for your redundancy. This situation can be made even more upsetting if you believe that you have been laid off your job for a health reason that you cannot control.
No matter your health situation, you still need to be able to make a living. It is particularly cruel to have been made redundant because of your health.

Is it Legal?
If you have a long-term illness that is affecting your performance in your employment, then it is legal for your employer to dismiss you. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you are not eligible for a settlement agreement or a severance package. If you have movement issues that affect how you perform, solicitors can help you to receive compensation for cerebral palsy.

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

Although dismissal because of a disability, even in the form of a long-term illness, is legal, that doesn’t mean that employers are completely unaccountable. Employers are required by law to make the workplace accessible, so if you believe that you have been unlawfully dismissed because of a disability, you should contact a lawyer to help amend the situation.

What Should You Do Next?
If you have reason to believe you have been unfairly made redundant, your first point of call should be to get in contact with a solicitor who can give you tailored advice for your next steps. If the reason for dismissal is deemed fair, you ought to take some time off from work to recover your health. Often, for short-term illness, the job itself can be affecting your health, and taking a break will help you to recover and perhaps discover the job wasn’t the right fit for you. If your job requires more physical movement or manual labour, you may find that, as you age, your body can no longer keep up with the demands of the workplace. This simply means you need to find a new role that suits your skills and capabilities now, rather than 10 or 20 years ago.

Finding a new role is difficult and takes time because the job market is more saturated than ever. Redundancy solicitors and recruitment agencies will be able to help you to find a suitable role to help secure your future.

The Future After Redundancy
Being made redundant can be an incredibly disheartening experience. It can make you feel as though you have failed in that position and can also cripple your confidence in future roles. If you have been made redundant, it is important to remain confident in your skills, capability, and experience. There will be a position out there that better suits your needs and can help you to flourish in your career. With the help of solicitors and recruiters, you can get yourself back on your feet after redundancy and have a positive outlook for your future.

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