Home Partner Posts What Doors Are Available For Industrial Use?

What Doors Are Available For Industrial Use?

Photo by Adam Griffith on Unsplash

In industry, your premises are everything – it’s the space that enables you to
undertake tasks daily and will be your most used and frequented location. It’s vital
that you ensure that the space has everything that it needs to operate as effectively
as possible, otherwise you run the risk of having a workplace that’s counter-
productive and which hinders efficiency.

When it comes to designing your company promises, then, it’s of the utmost importance that everything is considered with safety, efficiency, and practicality in mind – this way you can ensure that your work space is fit for purpose.

The doors that you use in industrial settings will have a huge impact on a range of aspects including transport, climate, storage, and accessibility, so let’s start by taking a look at how you can improve your doors within the workplace.


Photo by Adam Griffith on Unsplash

High-Speed Doors

For many, wasted time is one of the biggest and most infuriating problems that the
modern business can face. These wasted moments racking up to mean that tasks
don’t get completed, orders don’t get fulfilled, and customers are in turn left empty-
handed and disgruntled.

High-speed industrial doors are a brilliant way to combat the problem of wasted time in the workplace – the faster action reduces waiting times and helps trucks, vans, and personnel to manoeuvre around the building as quickly as possible, reducing queuing times and ensuring that things can be completed as quickly as possible.

An bonus that these doors offer is their enhanced heat retention capabilities which
allow you to manage the internal climate more effectively so that you can reduce the
amount of heat lost when opening and closing the doors. This could help to reduce
heating bills, which is highly beneficial to any company.

Fire Sliding Doors

In terms of safety, very few types of door are quite as important as fire sliding doors –
they’re designed to protect staff during emergencies so they’re a smart investment
for every company.

These doors are crafted from durable, tough, and fire-resistant materials that ensure that the time given to evacuate in an emergency is maximised and danger is minimised. Built into these doors is a wicket door, which is a smaller entrance just big enough for people to move quickly and freely during a fire; the doors also feature an overhead slide lock which will keep the door securely shut to help prevent the spread.

Rolling Shutters and Rolling Grilles

If it’s space-saving solutions that you need, a rolling option may be the smarted
choice as these take up far less room beside and above the opening whilst also still
offering a practical and effective solution to your business’ premises. These doors

can be found with manual or assisted opening and closing mechanisms, which offers
you a way to safely operate the door. These economical options are constructed with
very few components, making transports as easy as possible, whilst the rolling
function allows them to be stored compactly to maximise the space that’s available
inside of the building.

Closing edged and a lintel trap guard can also be fitted to particular sizes, which further helps you to protect the door, the mechanism, and the staff operating the door.

Industrial doors come in a range of different sizes and styles, offering your company
options for every space and the specific needs that those areas will have. Using a
combination of these doors throughout your business is likely to be the most
effective way to optimise your premises for their purpose.

Ensuring that you have the right doors both internally and externally is vital to success and safety, so maybe it’s time to reconsider the doors that you’re currently using.

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