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How to Take Care of Your Skin in Your Senior Years – Healthy Skincare After 65!

Image by Sungmin Cho on Unsplash

Your skin ages with you. As time passes, it becomes less plump, and you’ll get a few wrinkles or age spots. There’s no way to turn back time. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be older and have a glowingly healthy complexion. 

This article explores how to care for a senior or sixty-plus skin. We’ll look into adapting your daily care regime to best suit a more mature facial tone and texture. 

We’ll also delve a little deeper into skin health. What to look out for, and health checks to do to ensure your outer layer prevails over time.

Image by Sungmin Cho on Unsplash

Beyond the Beauty Routine

Older people are more prone to develop a dry outer layer that becomes thinner over time. You’ll probably notice some age spots and skin tags. These are all-natural signs of aging, and you’ll likely be able to treat it with a few adjustments to your facial routine. 

Your senior years require a bit more care as you are now more likely to bruise easily. Little cuts and scratches may take longer to heal. Your skin will also require more frequent health checks for cancer as an example.  

It would be wise to consider additional healthcare to cover these extras. You can determine if you qualify for a bespoke program for seniors, like the Medicare Advantage plan.  

The adequate coverage will give you peace of mind that you’re protected in a serious skin-related ailment that requires medical attention. It’s also recommended to go for regular check-ups with a dermatologist. 

These experts can guide you on safely managing changes in your face and on your body, to rule out pre-cancerous growths. You’ll be able to maintain a healthy glow, with your skin in the best possible care. 

Adapting Your Routine

A good routine is the number one tip that anyone with a beautiful skin will give you. Regular cleansing and moisturizing plus plenty of water to remain hydrated form the foundation. 

Over time, the basics remain in place, but you may have to make a few small changes to optimize your routine. Adapt and adjust to your body’s needs to accommodate dry and thinner skin that comes with age.  

The American Academy for Dermatology recommends these tweaks to your morning and evening regime.

Skin Relief 

Dry skin can be irritable and itchy. The best relief for these conditions is to wash with warm rather than hot water and only use a soft cloth on your face. 

Don’t spend too much time in a hot bath or shower, which tends to worsen such conditions. Applying a good moisturizer to your face and body helps to reduce dryness and restore moisture. 

Added Protection 

Sunscreen is a must-have for any skin. Applied daily, this prevents damage from harmful rays and adds moisture back into your body. Vitamin D can be beneficial, but in moderation and seek out the shade on hot days. 

Consider additional protection like a hat, and if you’re a keen gardener, wear gloves when working in the soil. This could also protect you from scratches and injuries.  

When doing domestic chores such as washing dishes, a pair of rubber gloves will protect your hands from harsh detergents, and too much water exposure. 


Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, is the best advice to remain hydrated. It shows in your face and body as dehydrated skin will appear extra saggy. 

Add liquid throughout the day, and be mindful of using alcohol in moderation. A great tip is to have a full water glass, rather than just a sip when you take any medication. 

If you’re in a very dry area, consider using a humidifier to control the air’s humidity for extra comfort. 

Sensable About Sensitivities  

Mature skin may be more sensitive. Opt for natural products that are gentle on the body and fragrance-free.  

You’ll need a richer moisturizer as you age, and ideally, add a night cream to your routine to replenish and feed your skin while you sleep. 

Stop Stressing and Age Gracefully 

Managing daily challenges and getting a good night’s sleep is essential for mature skin health. Add to that some light daily exercise and a healthy diet for all your nutritional needs, and natural radiance will follow.

Instead of stressing about looking ‘younger,’ accept who you are and where you are in your life cycle. Live comfortably in your skin and embrace your unique beauty.

Final Thoughts 

Healthy skincare after 65 is possible, and shouldn’t be stressful. It requires a few minor changes to your routine to adapt to your body’s needs. 

Consider your changing medical needs as well as your cosmetic application. It’s never too late to add some extra hydration and practice an improved daily routine. Be a little kinder to yourself, and results will show in a vibrant and radiant glow. 

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