Home Partner Posts Traumatic Brain Injuries: Tips for Caregivers

Traumatic Brain Injuries: Tips for Caregivers

Image by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, can occur after almost any kind of accident. Examples include car accidents, slip and falls, or domestic incidents that involve assault to the head. If you’re the caretaker of someone who has suffered from a traumatic brain injury, there are a few tips to keep in mind. These will help you with making the person you are caring for comfortable, but will also give you some direction with not exhausting yourself during the day.

Understanding the Injury


The first thing that you need to do is understand what a TBI is. Any kind of trauma that inflicts the brain can cause an injury, however, there are different levels of damage that depend on the particular context of the injury. Some people might experience headaches after a head injury, while others could have serious internal bleeding.


Most Common Symptoms


Just as there are different levels of a TBI, there are also different symptoms associated with the injury. Common symptoms to look for include, but are not limited to:


  • Confusion
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Blurry vision
  • Changes in daily patterns


What is important to keep in mind is that the steps towards the recovery of the person in your care can be different from those of another person who has gone through the same type of injury or is experiencing similar symptoms. If symptoms show any signs of aggravation over time, it is highly advised to immediately seek professional help from that person’s doctor.


Get Rest


When you care for someone who has suffered from a TBI, you want to make sure the person gets enough rest. After going through such a soliciting injury, the brain and the rest of the body will need time to heal. Caring for the person affected is not an easy job at all. Therefore, you will also need to pay very close attention to your hours of sleep, so that you have the strength to provide proper care. Activities such as lifting the person in and out of bed or preparing meals for them most commonly appear in the job description. As the person’s brain begins to heal, energy levels will slowly be restored. This means that the person will most likely want to begin doing more things around the house and will depend on you at first.


Prevent Further Injury


There are many things a caregiver can do to diminish the possibility of further injury. Depending on the location, one could place non-skid rugs around the place or consider installing rails in the home for the person to hold onto while walking from one room to another or while using the shower. It is also advised to introduce all this extra help gradually, in order to allow the person in care to accommodate in his or her own time.


Establish a Daily Routine


Before getting back to a normal routine, you should consult the person’s doctor about what’s allowed and what should be avoided. Some activities, such as driving, might need to be pushed back farther than others, depending on the level of risk they involve. Whereas recovering individuals should try and do things on their own as much as possible, a caregiver will have to monitor their movements and coordination in order to prevent any setbacks. Keeping track of such things could really help your future decisions.


Avoid Certain Behaviors


When a person is close to being fully recovered, the desire to get back to a normal pace of functioning daily will grow. A caregiver should always make a clear difference between the things that can get back to normal and those that need more time before they get back into their lives. For example, consumption of alcohol is never advised for people who suffered from a TBA, even if the recovery process is close to an end. Undertaking activities that are soliciting physically is also frowned upon. In order to keep track of all the dos and don’ts, a caregiver could structure a well-thought list of possible activities, together with the doctor involved in the healing process.


Bottom Line


Caring for a person with those needs can be a challenge, especially when medical bills become an issue hard to deal with. In such cases, depending on the context of the injury, you may want to contact a specialized lawyer beforehand. Such cases require particular knowledge. For example, one should know what a car accident lawyer needs to prove to establish liability. You will need to record any pictures of the accident scene and other information about medical bills or future expenses. Depending on your case, a lawyer will be able to guide you towards the most comfortable solution.


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