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Job Hopping – what is it, and how can you retain that talent

Photo by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash

According to many specialists, job-hopping is a trend that threatens (most of the time) the retention of talent in companies.

Photo by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash

Although the labor market is fully recovering from the crisis generated by Covid 19, job stability is still one of the indicators most valued by talent acquisition specialists. Something that does not make much sense in this scenario.

In addition, the rise of telecommuting has fueled a global war for talent, which also influences the ability of companies to retain their employees—especially those classified as job hoppers.

What is Job-Hopping?

There is an opinion that such people have been enterprising since university, which has influenced their character. Their character allowed them to go around the university looking for students saying, “pay someone to write my paper” instead of doing the work themselves. Why do it yourself when there is someone doing homework? But therein lies the entrepreneurialism and motivation to work and study simultaneously to pay for that same study. That’s what raised their character, added multitasking to their work, and gave rise to ambition.

Job hopping refers to professionals who tend to change jobs frequently and voluntarily. They are generally profiles that are attracted to experience new challenges and work experiences. It is very difficult for them to become established in a company.

It is estimated that this type of employee remains in the same company for about two years. In addition, a study published in Harvard Business Review highlights that at least 75% of professionals who fit this profile are always open to new job options. They are, in general, passive candidates who can jump from one company to another at any time.

Precisely because of this willingness to assume changes, the so-called “job hoppers” or “job jumpers” tend to be very attractive candidates, but they are not always reliable for companies.

However, to have a solid view on this job-hopping trend, the first thing you should do is review your hiring strategy and the vision you have for managing this type of talent:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of hiring “job hoppers” profiles?
  • Is the company’s Employee Value Proposition (EVP) attractive enough for these candidates?
  • What strategies could help retain this talent?
  • And, key, is it really necessary to aim to retain these profiles for a long time?

What are the advantages of hiring Job Hoppers?

A first step to analyzing how hiring job hoppers benefit is identifying these profiles’ advantages in the labor market.

High productivity

The need to constantly improve themselves means that those who tend to change jobs are very productive when they remain in a company.

This interest in growing professionally is, in most cases, enough incentive to give the maximum in the fulfillment of their tasks.

Greater experience and adaptation to change

Job hoppers have accumulated extensive experience in several companies, either in a specific area or because they have worked in multitasking roles.

These profiles can broaden companies’ vision, enrich their processes and contribute elements to strengthen the aspects that distinguish the company from the competition. This also helps them to adapt much better to changes and helps organizations to take on new challenges.

Less investment in training

The very motivation to look for a job makes job hoppers continuously train themselves. Their interest in developing their skills means considerable savings for companies that invest in training their employees.


One of the distinguishing characteristics of job hoppers is their ability to generate contacts.

Job hopping is very conducive to the development of professional networks, and this also benefits companies. A good example is the references when attracting talent or supporting a project through these contacts.

Disadvantages of Hiring a Job Hopper

Some people question the loyalty of job hoppers. It is an ongoing debate in which job-hopping vs. loyalty is discussed.

In addition, among the disadvantages of hiring a job hopper, their difficulty in taking on long-term projects has been questioned. Considering that they have a job hop every two years or so, it is assumed that a lack of commitment sets them apart.

However, is their tenure in companies shorter than the other profiles mean that they are less committed to their work?

At this point, we must carry out a thorough analysis of the distribution of roles in the team. Although professionals who will always find reasons to change jobs, we can promote actions to help retain this talent.

How can the Employee Value Proposition help retain a job hopper?

Although job-hopping is frowned upon by some recruitment teams, for many specialists, job-hopping on the resume cannot be blamed entirely on job hoppers.

First of all, there is something that many organizations overlook: is it really necessary to retain all employees for a long period of time?

There are profiles, such as job hoppers, who come to the company to meet specific objectives. Companies that work with a product management approach often come up against this reality. And this is not necessarily a negative thing.

The value proposition for a specific position can be conditioned to a stage in developing a product or resolving a specific problem. Once the goal has been achieved, it may be time to turn the page without this meaning failure.

The great challenge for talent management teams is to develop a value proposition that attracts these profiles and retains them.

If you have employees or candidates with job hopper profiles, it is important to evaluate whether the EVP is attractive enough to stay in the company. It will help to analyze the selection processes and strategies to retain this talent within the organization.

How to retain the talent of a job hopper in the company?

Suppose you can identify what reasons a job hopper has for changing jobs. In that case, it will be easier to adapt its talent management strategy to try to retain these profiles.

Here are some tips to try to reverse this trend of job-hopping among your team members.

Define objectives and expected results

Although it cannot be generalized, job hoppers usually maintain a good performance when they work based on objectives. Being clear about what is expected of them is one of their main motivations to achieve goals within the organization.

Work on the incentives of your Employee Value Proposition

Many job hoppers resort to job-hopping to increase their salary. Although this is something quite normalized in markets such as the United States, which is more oriented to pay increases.

However, although it is a weighty element, a compensation plan that includes other benefits can also work. In this sense, it is important to consider factors such as the generational issue, especially if it is a digital native. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Millennials are job hoppers, usually looking for personal reconciliation and better compensation options.
  • Generation Z, on the other hand, has high-value spaces where they can grow professionally. They need to feel that their opinions are taken into account and that they have the freedom to implement new ways of working.

Promotes turnover within the company

Changing jobs within the company can be a very effective solution to retain talent. It is a way to motivate employees with a change of tasks and excel in assuming the new role.

Generate a pleasant working environment

All employees aspire to work in an environment where they feel at home. And this is not easy to achieve. That’s why you must take the work climate into account from the recruitment and selection process.

We hope that this article will help you increase your chances. Good luck with hiring talent!

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