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What makes South Africa so attractive for students

Photo by Tobias Reich on Unsplash

When most people think of good Universities and destinations, 98% of those who were asked will point you towards cities and countries in the Northern hemisphere. However, there are two halves to our planet, and there are worthwhile places located south of the Equator.

Those who worked with the writers can tell you that many multi-lingual and talented people often come from nations such as South Africa. Let’s take a look at the primary reasons why students should consider visiting or attending University in this wonderful nation.

Photo by Tobias Reich on Unsplash

The elephant in the room

Before going through the well-deserved praise, one needs to admit that South Africa has a public relations problem. Its past political decisions have earned it a lot of scorn and criticism back in the 1980s.

The issue of apartheid has become one of the world’s best-known pet political causes, alongside other movements such as “Free Tibet”, or “save the whales”.

Nowadays, that hostility towards South Africa was just replaced with complete obscurity. Most outsiders can’t find this nation on the map, and it is rarely targeted as a ground for new investment.

Many are surprised to know that the world’s richest man (at the time of writing) Elon Musk, is a South African.

Now that we’ve got the converse out of the way, let’s go through all of the wonderful things that should make South Africa a prime destination for students.

True diversity

If you are coming from the Northern or the Western hemisphere, I guarantee that you’ve never seen a place like this. The climate may be similar to other places in the world, but there is something specifically African about this country.

After all, Africa is the only continent that still has thriving mega-fauna. You will benefit from all of the commodities of modern life, but nature never seems that far away.

In addition, this is a country with 11 officially recognized languages and many more dialects. Sure, the start was rough, but you rarely get to see a nation that is formed by so many people from across the world.

You have people from both Europe and Africa living together, and the cultural blend is fascinating.

Or, maybe you’re the type of person who appreciates resort vacations in warm areas. S.A. has that in abundance as well. Cape Town is a modern metropolis similar to other great cities.

You will get to enjoy thriving nightlife, good restaurants, and sunbathing during the day.

Educational opportunities

Ok, so maybe the fact that South Africa has beautiful natural attractions is intuitive. You expect that when you go to Africa. However, what most neglect is the nation’s intellectual history. Their track record puts many other countries to shame and is still a primary destination for students.

You can consider relocating here if you want a western-style education, without the need to bankrupt your family.

For example, a comparable education in the United States of America costs at least tens of thousands of dollars. Meanwhile, for an undergraduate degree in SA, you can expect to pay under 4-5K.

The market is so good, and the demand is so high, that South African Universities are starting to increase their price as well. It won’t be nearly as high as other places, but it shows their confidence in the massive amount of demand.

The continent’s top three universities are all found here.

Worldly, cosmopolitan, and well-traveled locals

Diversity is certainly delightful. Humanity has a rich tapestry of cultures, and it is our duty and direction to guard these differences. However, there are downsides.

You can’t be culturally strong and cosmopolitan at the same time. It is no secret that every nation has an English-speaking class of people that usually works for corporations and its members are more accurately described as global citizens.

Thankfully, South Africa can offer you a bit of both worlds. In Cape Town, many people know English, watch Netflix, listen to American music, and generally can blend into the international global citizen stereotype.

In fact, English is one of the nation’s official dialects. Some essay pro writers attended University and South Africa, and they had no issues integrating and adapting.

Still, if you exit the large cities the situation changes. You get to experience the true culture of this nation if you travel a bit.

Local food

In terms of its ethnic makeup, South Africa is similar to the United States. It was a vast, sparsely populated area that attracted migrations and colonization. The local cuisine is as diverse as the ethnicities that inhabit the nation.

Their dishes seemingly use Dutch, English, French, and traditional African elements. They aren’t as complex or refined as full French recipes, but they are wholesome, and use fresh ingredients.

A former student warmly recalls paying a local to catch fresh fish for him every day. There is no shortage of seafood and fish, but you also see more continental elements such as sausages and stews.

You don’t know exactly where to place and categorize South African cuisine, and that’s part of its charm.

Still, traditional restaurants are mostly for tourists. The locals are just like us, preferring Western fast-food chains and other types of imported flavors.

How to behave

South Africa is like a “choose your own adventure game”. Do you want a warm beachside experience? Well, go for it.

Are you there to study and excel academically? You can do that too. Are you there for the natural wonders? Nobody is stopping you.

However, be mindful that this nation underwent a lot of turmoil recently. Foreign students sometimes get the impression that all of that tension is just boiling under the surface.

Local authorities are doing everything within their power to make their nation a welcoming place. But as a foreigner, treat the locals with respect, and avoid straying from the beaten path.

There are intuitive limitations of where you are welcome, and where you should pay attention.


The best thing that can be said about South Africa, is that it can make a middle-class person feel rich. You get to enjoy a tropical climate, exotic sites, good food, and world-class education. And you don’t have to bury yourself in debt to enjoy these things.

The air feels heavier there, charged with centuries of history, conflict, but also coexistence and hope. It is a society with texture, as it seems that the nation itself has a personality.

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