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5 tips for creating a weekly menu

Photo by Ello on Unsplash

As we return to work and normality after the Covid pandemic, many of us may feel stressed as we try to fit back into routines that we haven’t practised in a while. Cooking and coming up with new recipes every day may begin to feel like a chore, but it doesn’t need to be.

With a plan and some preparation, your weekly meals will be simple, quick but also extremely delicious.

Photo by Ello on Unsplash

Create a list of favourite recipes

Some may see getting stuck in a loop of regular dishes as a bad thing, but knowing which meals you trust and can quickly pull together can benefit you in the long run.

Start by making a list of your usual dishes, and perhaps put between two and three on the menu each week. This way, you’ll serve delicious favourites alongside some new and exciting dishes.

Once you have a list of your favourites, start researching new dishes. It’ll take some trying and testing until you find meals that you’d like to add to your repertoire, but you’ll grow your menu options considerably once you do.

List your ingredients

Deciding that you want to make your favourite meals is great, but when you have to travel to specialist markets each week or find the local shops have stopped ordering your crucial ingredient, you’ll have to change your menu.

Making a list of ingredient is great for three reasons. 1. You’ll know what you need to purchase. 2. You’ll know roughly how much you’re spending each week. 3. It’s practical.

You’ll also learn what you’re buying frequently so that you can repurchase. With things that store well such as rice, pasta and potatoes, you’ll know to check your cupboards before you shop.

Consult with others

It’s all well and good if you’re cooking for yourself, but if you have roommates or family to content with, you’ll need to share your menu.

They might have requests or recommendations. If you’re the only person enjoying the menu, then you may need to make some changes to suit everyone. Having everyone know what meals are coming allows people to plan; you don’t want a heavy lunch if you’re having burgers for dinner.

Sharing the menu also lets people know what’s coming. You might find Taco Tuesday becomes the meal your roommates can’t wait for, or that your kids can’t wait for Monday Mac’ n Cheese.

Remember that treats are good

Creating a menu doesn’t mean that you can’t treat yourself, even if you’re trying to eat healthily. Sticking to the list is definitely important, but there are ways to reward yourself that doesn’t involve going completely off script.

Considering your beverages alongside the menu is a good idea. Having the perfect drink can complement the food and give something to look forward to. For example, if you’re cooking burgers, curry or heavy meat, craft beers go great alongside. You can also put them in the food, too!

If you’re more into wine, there are endless options too. This Little Bastard Wine pairs well with spicy dishes, casseroles and pies. Dessert can perfectly cap off a delicious meal, so pairing it with wine can elevate your menu, there are many options to choose from that fit perfectly with any menu.

Plan for the future

Once you’ve cooked a menu for a few weeks, you’ll be well practised. Making little notes as you go can help you for the future. If a dish takes longer to cook, you’ll know to prep. If you’re running low on an ingredient, you’ll know to buy more.

It is important that you stick to your menu, but remember that cooking shouldn’t be a chore. If you’re not enjoying something, change it! There are endless delicious options out there, and also a cheeky takeaway or two.

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