Home Partner Posts Where to Look for a New Property UK 2022

Where to Look for a New Property UK 2022

Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

As you may already know, location plays a very significant part in a property’s price. Not only that, but if you’re buying a property for your future home, it will also affect factors, such as your day-to-day safety, accessibility, benefits, job opportunities, ease of travel, and so much more.

Easily said, a property’s location will dictate the quality of living that is waiting for you, or if you’re an investor, the volume of offers and sales lurking around.

Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

This being stated, it’s evident that location is one of the main things that you should consider when buying a property. The question, however, is: where in the UK should you look if you’re a buyer, a realtor, or an investor? This is what we’re going to talk about in the following sections.

1. County Durham

Among all the nations and countries in the UK, County Durham ranks fifth in terms of the most affordable cities to live in. This is a big plus, especially since the UK is known for being tied to an expensive lifestyle.

For reference, the average housing price in County Durham amounts to around £150,000, with the lowest being approximately £24,000 and the highest coming up to £180,000. For the most affordable properties, look into Ferryhill, Shildon, and Peterlee.

In terms of safety, security, and livelihood (job and business), County Durham still won’t disappoint. Let’s add the fact that this city is also one of those with the richest culture.

2. Copeland

The second on our list is Copeland. Despite the evident inflation in the UK housing market, this is one of the few cities that saw a major decrease in house pricing in 2022. For an overview, the average pricing from November 2021, which is about £165,000, went down to £160,000 as of March 2022, just a few a months apart.

Some cities that you should specifically browse through in Copeland include Cleater Motor, Millom, and Egremont since they have the cheapest rates in the city.

Copeland is also considered one of the safest countries in the UK. It belongs to the fifth percentile, which means that, as per data, 95% of its cities are considered safe to live in, while 5% are considered somewhat dangerous.

3. Ayrshire

Ayrshire is another UK country that managed to make its housing market stay afloat despite inflation. Since last year up to March 2022, the dated average house price revolved around £155,000, sometimes a little bit more or less than this amount. Either way, you can still rest assured that rates are relatively more affordable here compared to others.

Stevenston and Irvine in North Ayrshire, Girvan in South Arshi9re, and Cumnock in East Ayrshire are some of the most affordable cities that you should look into in terms of buying properties.

Living in Ayrshire will give you an advantage in accessing job opportunities with high income. It’s also known for being able to provide good quality of life.

4. Yorkshire

Moving on to a slightly higher scale, we have Yorkshire with an average house pricing of approximately £194,500. Still, if you’re financially stable to finally buy a property, then this is still a good place to live in. This is most especially if your goal is to live around England. You won’t go wrong with Yorkshire since it’s not only the largest, but it’s also the most historic one in the said nation.

To add, Yorkshire is also included in the top ten countries in the UK when talking about the most affordable cities to live in. This applies to both the price of properties and the overall cost of living.

5. Northern Ireland

The last on our list is Northern Ireland. When it comes to tourist attractions, this UK country will surely be one of the most to offer. It’s also one of the most affordable places to live in with an average house price of £155,000. This has actually already incurred a 7.9% increase compared to the average rate in 2021.


Once you have landed on the best location possible for your needs, you can now rest assured that you’re more than halfway in having the home of your dreams. After that, you can already pay attention to other equally important factors like the property’s price and inclusions, specifications, and likes.

Note, though, that different cities have different amendments regarding buying and selling a property.

If you’re not fully knowledgeable about legal matters, then it’s best if you work with a mortgage solicitor. They will help you with everything that is law-related, which will consequently have a positive effect on your leads and sales. You can get instant conveyancing quotes at Conveyancing Supermarket if you want to inquire about the necessary fees to do so. 

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