Home Partner Posts Making dental appointments great again—Great tips from an expert dentist

Making dental appointments great again—Great tips from an expert dentist


Contrary to an old belief, dentist appointments aren’t always the worst kinds of appointments. In fact, they can be a ton of fun—if you’re in the right hands. When it comes to dentists, it’s important to know how necessary their job is. Dentists do not only solve problems, but they also prevent them. As patients, all we have to do is trust their advice and follow their recommendations. 

Meet Encino, California’s most trusted dentist, Dr. Isaac Kahen Kashani. Dr. Kashani is a cosmetic dentist and dental pain specialist with a well-respected reputation. He’s known for making his patients feel as comfortable as possible, leaving them with a memorable dental experience. 

Dr. Kashani is highly skilled and proficient in the field of dental treatment. He’s the head of Lasting Impressions Dental Spa, a dental office that’s designed to put their patients at ease—hence “Spa” in the title. At Lasting Impressions, patients are offered the highest degree of dental services, with long-lasting results. With a team of skilled professionals available, the goal is to ensure each patient leaves completely satisfied and well taken care of.

Many people who avoid visits to the dentist, do so out of anxiety, fears, and phobias typically caused by a prior traumatic experience elsewhere, while others simply don’t think it’s that important. As for those with dental anxiety, Dr. Kashani has no problem relieving them of their fears and tensions. By maintaining a sense of kindness, reliability, and trust, he earns the respect of his patients, and they’re never afraid to return to the dental office—or Spa. But when it comes to those who don’t think dental appointments are important, they couldn’t be any more wrong. 

If you’re one of those people, Dr. Kashani shares some tips as to why you need dental check-ups just as much as a physical exam. 

“Just brushing your teeth is not enough.”

According to Dr. Kashani, it’s important to be proactive in seeing your dentist on a regular basis, so that they’re able to catch issues before they get serious. There are many people who are unaware of the permanent dental problems they may have, all because they refuse to go to the dentist. 

“Floss before you brush.”

Another word of advice from the dental expert is to make sure you regularly floss before brushing your teeth. This is a common misunderstanding. “It’s not necessarily a rule, but it is much more effective.” says Dr. Kashani. “Flossing before you brush will dislodge the food particles between your teeth and the brush will help remove it all.”

“A healthy food choice leads to healthy teeth.”

Much like our physical health, it’s essential to understand that our food choices play a huge role in our dental health as well. Dr. Kashani believes this needs to be addressed more. “Eat foods rich in calcium and phosphates. They will help remineralize your teeth. Avoid anything that is acidic because it wears away the enamel of the teeth.”, he explains. It’s amazing what healthy food choices can do for your dental hygiene.

“Don’t remove silver fillings.”

The final tip is one of Dr. Kashani’s most critical ones. Although white fillings are great for visual reasons, they shouldn’t necessarily be replaced with silver fillings. White fillings are made of resin plastic while silver fillings are made of metal alloys—which last a lot longer. “Because white fillings are made of resin, the joint between the tooth and the plastic breaks down eventually. The silver fillings are made of metal alloys, so they will outlive the resin fillings. Both are great. But it doesn’t make sense to remove silver fillings unless necessary. While we don’t place these silver fillings, we don’t necessarily suggest removing them unless absolutely necessary as they are mostly causing mercury exposure at the time of  placing them or removing them.”

These are only a few of his great tips. He regularly posts on apps like Instagram and TikTok to keep his audience informed, educating them on tips similar to those above. 

What’s not to love about Dr. Kashani? He’s down-to-earth, entertaining, and knowledgeable. Not to mention he’s a popular influencer who’s blowing up on social media—he’s gained over fifteen thousand followers in the last eight months. Because of this, video consultations have become a part of his daily routine. With over forty-thousand followers—and counting—hundreds of people are requesting video consultations with Dr. Kashani.

Usually, his social media content is concise and straight to the point, which viewers seem to enjoy. But there many others who are left wanting more. Dr. Kashani’s consultation service, which can be scheduled through his Instagram and the Lasting Impressions website, is very useful for those who have direct questions for the dentist. The service offers his followers the opportunity to learn more about Dr. Kashani’s work, ease their anxieties, and of course, meet him. It’s the perfect choice for a future patient!

At first glance, you may think Dr. Kashani’s social media content is a one-man show. He doesn’t do it all alone, though. At Lasting Impressions, his team puts a bunch of effort into making content for everyone to enjoy—and they have a blast doing it. “We have a great time creating content. It’s a part of our work life now.”, he mentions in regards to his office crew. He also mentions that the office has a “content creation day”, where he and other team members create concepts that are educational, funny, and enjoyable for audiences around the world. “It can be hard work, but it’s a lot of fun.”

Due to its compelling nature, Dr. Kashani’s social media content has attracted hundreds of patients to Lasting Impressions Dental Spa. His plan is to make dentist appointments great for all. And by showing people how fun and exciting a dental visit can be, he’s surely making that happen.

Give him a follow on TikTok and Instagram @kashanidds for awesome dental tips, pics, and hilarious clips!

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