Home Partner Posts 9 Must-Have Office Desk Essentials

9 Must-Have Office Desk Essentials


You spend a better part of your day on your office desk; it definitely deserves some attention. If you buy a few desk essentials, it will change the overall appearance of your desk and will boost your productivity level.

This list contains 9 must-have office essentials that will tell you where to start.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash
  1. Extension Board

An extension board is necessary for the office desk as it helps to operate multiple gadgets simultaneously. You can plug it in and start working without any distractions. Further, you only have to attach one cable.

It helps to keep the desk organized and reduces the risk of falling over dangerous cables. Further, these boards are available at a reasonable price.

  1. Office desk plants

Office desk plants provide your desk with an aesthetic look. Not only that, but it also reduces fatigue and symptoms of colds. These plants can further uplift your mood and ease depression.

As aloe vera and spider plants are natural air filters, they can eliminate harmful toxins like carbon monoxide, xylene, etc., from the air. In addition, snake plants, orchids, and succulents control the humidity and increase the oxygen levels in that space.

  1. Desk mat

Desk mats protect your desk from scratches, strains, and other damage. It increases the productivity level of employees by providing a clear workspace. The soft padded surface supports your forearms and wrist, so you feel less pressure on these areas.

As it covers the entire desk, you don’t need to buy a mouse pad separately. If your budget is high, you can buy a wireless charging desk to make your desk clutter-free.

  1. Desk calendar

The feeling of flipping pages of a physical calendar and marking important dates cannot be replaced by google calendars. It reminds your mind to complete the work within the deadline.

You can create your business calendar with information about your services and contact details and give them to your clients for marketing purposes.

  1. Reusable smart notebook

These notebooks are also famous as erasable notebooks. You can use one-page multiple times as it has the feature to erase the written content. You can transfer all your written content to your laptop, mobile, google drive, dropbox and Evernote by scanning the page.

It helps to reduce your carbon footprint as these are eco-friendly. In addition, you can use colors and designs to fulfill your creative needs.

  1. Scissors

Scissors can help you with many things, from cutting papers to opening letters or packages. These are classic office desk essentials. Recently I bought one from Bookbinders design.

The quality of the scissors is excellent. It also has a Teflon coating to prevent glue residue build-up, making it perfect for art and craft use.

  1. Hand sanitizer or wet tissues

After the covid pandemic, you must be extra careful about your health. Every day you encounter germs in the office using phones and keyboards, shaking hands, etc. The sanitizer will help you to stay protected from infection.

You can buy wet tissues to keep your hands clean and bacteria-free, as these tissues contain alcohol.

  1. Snacks, water, and mints

Few people don’t feel hungry while working long hours. However, the rest of us get hungry after a certain time, and if we don’t eat anything, our brain stops working. So, to prevent that, stock some light snacks on your desk.

You can buy a bag of chips for yourself, but the carb and fat will cause fatigue and affect your productivity level. So instead, you can keep some mixed dry fruits and nuts.

Also, don’t forget to keep a water bottle on your desk. You cannot compromise with hydration. Mints are life savers. It instantly improves the breath’s smell so you can enjoy any food, including onion salad, before meeting clients.

  1. Pen stand

You can store pens, pencils, and scissors on this stand. But before buying one, make sure they are durable and strong.

Over to you…

Now that you know some great products for your desk, it’s time to go shopping. Other than all this, if there’s something or someone that gives you hope, you can always keep a photo of it at your table.

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