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Setting Up A Tattoo Studio? Here Are 5 Things To Keep In Mind


For most of us, tattooing or tattoo making is more of a passion thing than a serious full-time profession. But factually, tattoos are a very hot business. It always was.

The tattoo has been the most ancient way of branding one’s emotions on the body, be it a tribal cult tattoo or modern-day fan tattoos of certain popular musical bands. And now, celebs are getting new tattoos for every other occasion, which turns this into a full-blown mainstream industry.

Do you ever dream of earning money by doing things that you love? Is your brain flooding with crazy new ideas? If you want to draw a lot while paying the bills, then we believe tattoo making is just the right suit for you.

Now, drawing for fun is totally different from producing commercial art on a regular basis. Setting up a tattoo studio definitely sounds fun, but what comes next is a bunch of unavoidable circumstances that make you feel like giving up.

Worry not; today, we’re sharing the top tricks and tips on setting up a tattoo studio.

Proceed with Plan

Don’t make impulsive decisions. Like every other business, tattoo studios demand attention to so many different aspects, from the location to the launching day ceremony.

Will you rent a space or operate from home? Do you have proper health regulation clearances and all licenses? What about an official site and social media presence? How much are you gonna charge clients?

Also, remember to get a commercial bank account for your new business.

Plan well in advance; just chalk it all out. That saves millions of sleepless nights later. Once you start, you go all out into the field.

More into that now:

The license to ink

Business is difficult. It’s more complicated than simply following your passion. Even if you’re the Michelangelo of the town, a license to tattoo guns is mandatory in most states.

And rules vary widely for the licensing exam; it depends on your state.

Professional artists recommend beginners first take an apprenticeship under the supervision of an experienced licensed tattoo artist, which is even compulsory in some tests. This helps get the feel and makes you ready before going alone.

Registration for taxes is another step to turning your studio into a valid legal entity.
These are the tickets to avoid all future legal sinkholes.

Get your weapons:

Most newcomers make the blunder of
getting cheap machines because they’re just “starting out,” right?

No, dude. This is the first mistake.
When drawing on someone’s body, it must be the first and foremost concern to get things done perfectly, which in turn requires top-class equipment. After all, these are your weapons to conquer this market.

Saving up on work equipment might help you cut down your budget but making substandard tattoos isn’t a good advertisement for your business.

Tattooing supplies mainly include an autoclave to sanitize instruments, tattoo guns, ink, needles, paper towels, plastic/ latex gloves, and plastic spray bottles.

You can look at Labec, an internationally renowned manufacturer of laboratory equipment. They even have a range of all-in-one tattoo studio equipment collections.

Office equipment might include a computer and printers etc.

Furnishing the space :

Getting tattoos is undoubtedly a painful process that involves piercing the skin for the umpteenth time.

So, your clients will expect at least a comfortable place to rest while tattooing.

Focus on using all the space you have wisely. Buy interior decoration items and furniture adequately for the sitting arrangement of both artist and the client. Take the help of a professional if needed. A well-planned interior certainly makes your studio attractive.

Reclining chairs (a few), bright lights and large mirrors, tables for the front desk, cabinets, a display area to showcase your fabulous designs, etc., are a must for a new tattoo studio.

Marketing does matter :

No matter how small or large, any business can’t survive without a robust marketing strategy.

The motto is simple, let people know that you exist, and let them not forget that you draw stellar designs.

You can do everything literally for this. Marketing may start from something very simple, like getting your studio’s official website and social media pages.

You may take assistance from digital marketing agencies to gain huge traffic from the eCommerce market, as online posts are way better than posters to reach people.

Leave no stones unturned. Go traditional with Flyers, banners, marketing campaigns, local newspaper advertisements, and TV commercials. Learn smarter techniques such as Experiential marketing that may involve a free tattoo day, a tattoo drive in the local mall, special discounts for first customers, and whatnot! Your imagination is the limit.

Every established tattoo artist of today has stories about their struggle days when they could hardly make ends meet. But with planning, guidance, and consistent hard work, you can win all battles. Willpower is your identity.

Let’s break into this tattoo scene. Let’s get people inked.

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