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“Giving up isn’t in the blood” -Hardy dad-of-three runs London Marathon completely barefoot

Many commenters expressed their admiration for Steven's perseverance. (C) Steven Smith

Steven Smith decided to make the 26.2 mile run on Sunday even harder to raise money for charity organisation Cancer Research UK.

The 34 year-old from Grantham, Lincolnshire said that 13 miles into the race he thought he had stood on a wrapper but quickly discovered it was a piece of skin from his peeling feet.

He also said that blisters on his feet started to fill with small stones like “bags of marbles”.

Despite his feet being in tatters, Steven pushed through the pain after being spurred on by the thought of his mother, Patricia Pendleton, who died from cancer three years ago and fought on until the very end.

Images show Steven sat on the ground with his medal around his neck after completing the marathon.

He is shown holding his dirty feet up which have plasters and blister covers across the cuts.

Many commenters expressed their admiration for Steven’s perseverance. (C) Steven Smith

Writing about the amazing achievement on Facebook on Monday (3 OCT), Steven said “It’s all about breaking mental barriers. Your mind will break before your body does, or in my case…feet.

“Thirteen miles in, I thought I stood on an energy gel wrapper but to my surprise it was my skin peeling off my foot, so that’s where the mental battle started, the seed of doubt was planted.

“Then my next incident happened, which nearly broken me. My left foot had a massive blister which burst but then made a skin pocket that collected stones, like a bag of marbles.

“So sitting on the sidelines picking stones out of my feet is where I was ready to tap.

“Then I thought about mum, nine years she fought cancer, never complained, never sat there pointing fingers at the world, just rolled up her sleeve and went after it.

Despite the pain and blisters, he kept going. (C) Steven Smith

“If she could do that I can endure a couple more hours of pain. Giving up isn’t in the blood.

“Amazing experience, crowd was phenomenal. Cheering from start to finish, definitely recommend it (not barefoot with weighted vest though).”

Adam James Gayden said: “Absolutely f****g phenomenal effort chief.”

Katie Smith said: “Super proud of you, what an achievement, your mum would be so so proud.”

Mike Wazowsky said: “Put some Vaseline on these feet, we have another run next month.”

Steven still had the stamina to stand and pose for a pic! (C) Steven Smith

Brandon Mcdonald said: “Some going that mate! Bet your feet are in absolute bits.”

Steven’s partner Emma also shared a video of his achievement on TikTok on Tuesday (4 OCT), writing: “My partner took part in the London Marathon 2022 barefooted with a 22lb weighted vest couldn’t be more proud, what an incredible achievement.”

Emma added: “The barefoot was to represent the pain a cancer patient goes through, the weighted vest represents the weight that the individual has to carry.”

The video has gained over 19,900 views and more than 400 likes.

Speaking today, Steven said: “The whole concept behind running the London marathon barefooted, was that I lost my mother three years ago from cancer and, believe it or not, there was method behind the madness.

“The barefoot symbolized the pain a cancer patient has to go through – 26.2 miles barefoot is going to hurt.

“I’m not saying that what I did was anything like a cancer patient goes though.

“But there were times where mum couldn’t even go up the stairs, a simple task like that was her own marathon – her own Everest.

“So I wanted to replicate that feeling. Walk a mile in her shoes, so to speak.

“The weighted vest symbolized the weight that the individual has to carry in their mind – there’s not a minute of the day where you are not thinking about it.

“My advice for someone inspired to do something similar is to find yourself a ‘why’ – a reason for doing it – because if you’re doing for vanity or ego purposes you will lose every time.”

This isn’t the first gruelling task Steven has given himself this year.

In August he hiked Ben Nevis barefoot while carrying a 100lb barbell for charity.

To donate to his fundraising page, please visit: https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/stevens-london-marathon-11

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