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The Time Is Now | Here’s How To Embody Your 2023 Million-Dollar Look With Expert Arabelle Yee


Entrepreneur, certified psychotherapist, and transformational life strategist Arabelle Yee is here to tell you that stepping into a new chapter with confidence and ease – is achievable. As a manifestation master spearheading the East and piercing through the West, her proven methods of ancient wisdom blended with the modern world are changing lives. After helping millions of female entrepreneurs step into the highest version of themselves, Arabelle now aims to help you build the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Nowadays, a ‘new year’ is often followed by the phrase ‘a new me,’ but for those of you who have a similar concept scribbled down on your 2023 resolution list, boosting your message to the top could not have come at a better time. Why? Because maybe the reason why it didn’t work out before was because you didn’t have access to a transformational expert like Arabelle Yee.

Discovering the best version of yourself can feel daunting in an ever-changing new world. But after finding the correct methods and techniques, entrepreneur, certified psychotherapist, and transformational life strategist Arabelle Yee knew she had to share these with the world.

Leveraging her community of nearly 800,000, many years of experience working with people from over 110 countries, and her background in MBA and psychotherapy, she has been able to help her community unlock its purpose and build emotional intelligence.

“Manifesting the million dollar you is a combination of mindset, energetics, strategy, and taking action,” Arabelle says. “Manifestation is also widely discussed, but how I do manifestation in my world and teach it to my community is different.”

She continues, “When you manifest from a place of lack, you’ll find that it’s quite hard because you’re coming from a place of “I don’t know if it’s going to happen, and I don’t know if I’m worthy of it.” When you manifest from a place of certainty, and when you hack the identity of the future version of yourself, the process becomes much more fun and fast!”

But the roadmap to reinvention always starts with change. And once this occurs, only then can we begin to unpack our future version of ourselves.

Because by living in the feeling of being The One who gets to manifest with ease and speed – you shall be. And if you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavor to live the life you have imagined, you will meet with unexpected success.

So, how do we embody the million-dollar version of ourselves?

“The first thing is to realize that your current situation has nothing to do with where you’re going,” explains Arabelle. “Your current situation today is just a result of an accumulation of all the choices you have made in the past based on your old beliefs, environment, and patterns. And your future will result from your choices starting today!”

This realization and acceptance of the truth is the key to unlocking the door that eventually allows you to embody your million-dollar self. The next step, however, requires more persuasion.  

“Many people say that they want to be rich; they want to make a million dollars. And to do that could mean that they have got to do five jobs, work overtime, or sacrifice sleep – yes, maybe sometimes that is required,” says Arabelle, “but most of the time, what’s required is to change the identity from which you’re operating from.”

Are you operating from the past identity who would stop in her tracks because of the limiting beliefs? Or will you tap into the future version of yourself who can lead yourself powerfully on the journey of making millions?

“Whether it’s a manifestation or solving problems, I always ask the future version of myself who’s already made a million dollars, ‘hey, future Arabelle, what kind of choices did you make to get there? How did you lead yourself through the challenges? How did you guide yourself when you were experiencing anxiety or thinking that you were going to fail?” explains Arabelle Yee, “From there, you start unpacking the future version of yourself and start making choices and take actions from that place. ”

After tapping into your new identity, before you know it, you are living through a million-dollar version of yourself. Yes, the money may still need to arrive. But once you’ve done that, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you present yourself, your presence itself, the trust in the process, and self-leadership all become different.

“People want to talk to you because there’s something about you. Before you know it, you’ve made contacts and networked with people you wouldn’t have before,” says Arabelle. “You started talking to the audience who want to pay you more because there’s something about you they want to learn from.”

It’s your million-dollar aura that sparks off a dynamo effect of abundance. This is no ‘fake-it-till-you-make it’ mindset. Embodying your million-dollar look is about changing your mindset, tapping into your future version, and running with it.

Specializing in helping female entrepreneurs step into the highest version of themselves, Arabelle’s successes speak for themselves.

“We create spaces, virtually and physically, where people get to grow into their ultimate potential, access their power, and lead themselves powerfully so they get to do great things in the world,” says Arabelle.

And now, with an expert like Arabelle Yee, a resolution to build a life you have always dreamed of is about to come true.

Through her master classesfree meditations, YouTube channel, and Instagram channel Arabelle Yee can guide you to greatness and transform your life.

This is the time to find out more by visiting Arabelle Yee’s website or following her on Instagram.

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