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Sina Bari, MD, Offers Insights into the Future of Healthcare Technology and Medical AI

Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash

Dr. Sina Bari is a world-renowned plastic surgeon that has helped many patients. Beyond providing direct patient and surgical care, Dr. Bari has continued to be at the forefront of technology and how it can impact the healthcare industry moving forward. Dr. Bari has recently offered insight into upcoming healthcare technology and artificial intelligence changes.

Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash

Use of Artificial Intelligence

One of the main ways Dr. Bari sees technology enhancing the healthcare industry is through artificial intelligence. AI technology has continued to be in the news as of late. While this technology has many applications, the healthcare industry could be among the most impacted. AI technology can be used to administer tests, review diagnostic reports, and complete other tasks more accurately and faster than could have been done in the past. This will make it a great tool to use for any healthcare provider.

Virtual Care will Become More Prevalent

During the COVID-19 pandemic, finding ways to receive care without having to go into the doctor was always a priority. One of the changes that we saw during this time was the increased use and prevalence of virtual care and visits. As many national healthcare providers are continuing to invest in this technology, this trend is bound to continue. With advancements in diagnostic equipment and virtual services, even more forms of care could be provided.

Use of Wearable Technology will Expand

The use of wearable technology is continuing to advance the healthcare and fitness industry. Sina Bari, MD, and others see this trend continuing. Wearable technology could be used to monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar levels, and offer many other diagnostic readings. The use of this technology will likely continue to expand and it can provide you and your doctor with real-time information. This will ensure you always have access to your medical information and can see if lifestyle changes are making an impact. 

Virtual Reality

The use of VR and AR technology has been increasing. While this is often linked with the entertainment and gaming industry, it has other real life applications that can help to save lives. Sina Bari and others in the industry believe VR and AR technology could be used as diagnostic and training tools for those in medical school and can help to enhance the patient care industry.

The healthcare industry has always benefited from technological advancement. Sina Bari has continued to be an individual that has utilized this technology and been a proponent of its advancement. Recently, Dr. Bari provided some insight into new technology we will see in coming years that will impact this industry and patient care in the future. 

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