Home Partner Posts 5 Home Safety Improvements That Every Family Should Consider 

5 Home Safety Improvements That Every Family Should Consider 

Photo by Tekton on Unsplash

The safety of our homes is very important. A house is not just a place where we live; it’s a sanctuary, a space where we should feel secure and protected. But are our homes as safe as we believe them to be? Unfortunately, many homes are plagued by overlooked safety hazards, from potential fire risks to fall-prone areas, which can lead to serious injuries.  

This article explores five critical home safety improvements every family should consider. By taking these measures, you can significantly enhance the security of your living space, ensuring that your home remains a haven for your family. 

Photo by Tekton on Unsplash

Fire Safety Measures 

Every house needs to have fire safety equipment installed. They play a crucial role in preventing fires and ensuring family members can safely escape if a fire occurs. Fires can start quickly and spread rapidly, damaging property, causing injuries, or even claiming lives. Therefore, implementing effective fire safety measures is not just beneficial; it’s a critical responsibility for every homeowner. 

The first line of defence against fires is smoke detectors. Install these devices in every bedroom, outside sleeping areas, and on each level of your home. Regularly test these detectors and replace the batteries as needed on a regular basis. Remember, a functioning smoke detector can provide the vital seconds you need to get out of your home safely. 

Fire extinguishers are another must-have. Keep one in the kitchen, where many home fires start, and any other areas prone to fires, like the garage or near a fireplace. Ensure all family members know where these are located and how to use them. 

Creating a family fire escape plan is a proactive measure for fire safety. Designate two exits from each room, typically a door and window, and a specific meeting place outside your home. Practice this plan with your family, ensuring even the youngest members understand what to do. 

Fire safety measures aren’t just about equipment and plans; they’re about creating a safety culture in your home. Taking these steps can make a life-saving difference in an emergency. 

Carbon Monoxide Detectors 

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a silent but lethal gas that is colourless, tasteless, and odourless, making it impossible to detect without the help of a device. Therefore, installing carbon monoxide detectors in your home cannot be understated.  

Carbon monoxide detectors work similarly to smoke detectors, alerting you when high levels of CO are detected in your home. This can occur for various reasons, such as a malfunctioning furnace, water heater, or other fuel-related appliances. The early warning provided by a CO detector can save lives, giving you and your family enough time to evacuate the premises and seek help. 

Installing these devices in your home involves strategic placement. CO detectors should be installed on each level of your home, including the basement and sleeping areas. Place additional detectors nearby if your home has attached garages or fuel-burning appliances.  

Regular maintenance of these devices is also crucial. This includes routinely testing the detectors to ensure they’re functional and replacing batteries annually or as needed. Also, be aware of the lifespan of your detectors. Most CO detectors last between 5-7 years, but this can vary, so check the manufacturer’s recommendations and replace the units as advised. 

Understanding the threat of carbon monoxide and taking steps to safeguard against it by installing CO detectors can help protect your family from this gas. Implementing this safety measure is a simple yet effective step towards creating a safer home environment. 

Secure Windows And Doors 

An essential part of home safety is locking windows and doors. These entry points serve as the first line of defence against potential intruders and accidents. A home with robust and secure windows and doors deters burglars and prevents children from potential dangers, such as accidental falls from windows. 

First, assess the current state of your doors and windows. Doors should be solid and kick-proof, with deadbolt locks for added security. Burglars often target sliding glass doors, so consider adding a security bar or rod in the track to prevent them from being forced open. The front door, in particular, merits special attention as it’s the primary access point to your home. Enhancing security doesn’t mean compromising on aesthetics, though. For instance, see Corston’s collection of front door handles. Their range combines style, durability, and security, offering products that meet high-quality standards while complementing the style of your home. 

Windows, too, are often an easy point of access for intruders. Consider upgrading to windows with reinforced glass or installing window security film. Window locks should be robust, and for added safety, especially for families with young children, install window guards or stops to prevent falls. 

Remember that security isn’t just about keeping unwanted people out. It’s also about easy access to exit points in case of emergencies. Ensure your safety measures don’t impede quick and easy exits if needed. 


The world can be a wonder-filled playground for curious minds, but it can also be fraught with potential dangers, many of which reside within your own home. Child-proofing involves adapting the environment to keep children safe from accidents and is essential for preventing common incidents such as falls, burns, choking, or poisoning. 

Start by seeing your home from a child’s perspective. Get down on your hands and knees and identify potential hazards. Pay attention to sharp corners, electrical outlets, small objects, accessible cleaning products, and unsecured furniture. 

Next, secure heavy furniture to the wall to prevent it from tipping over if a child climbs on it. Use safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs to prevent falls, and place window guards on windows located above ground level.  

Protect little fingers by installing door stoppers and pinch guards, and prevent access to potentially dangerous areas like bathrooms or kitchens with safety gates. Lock away cleaning products, medications, and other harmful substances in child-proof cabinets, and secure fridges, ovens, and other appliances with child-proof locks. 

While child-proofing can seem daunting, it’s a critical step towards ensuring the safety of your little ones. Start with these measures and adjust as your child grows. The peace of mind knowing your home is a safe space for your child to grow and learn is truly invaluable. 

Improve Lighting 

Lighting plays a vital role in creating a safe and secure home environment. Proper illumination can prevent accidents, deter potential intruders, and even boost the aesthetics of your property. Hence, thoughtful lighting should be an integral part of your home safety strategy. 

Ensure all areas are well-lit inside your home to avoid slips and falls. Hallways, stairs, and common areas should have adequate lighting. Consider using nightlights in corridors and bathrooms for safe navigation during night-time hours. It’s also crucial to have sufficient task lighting in areas like the kitchen or reading nooks to prevent eye strain. 

Outdoor lighting is equally important. It serves two purposes: security and safety. Well-lit exteriors can deter potential intruders and enhance the visibility of outdoor spaces, reducing the risk of trips and falls. Install motion sensor lights near entrances and pathways. These lights turn on when they detect movement, providing light when needed and saving energy when not in use. Landscape lighting can also highlight obstacles in the yard and beautify your property at the same time. 

Invest in energy-efficient lighting options such as LEDs, which are more durable, longer-lasting, and consume less energy compared to traditional light bulbs. Also, ensure all light fixtures are in good condition and promptly replace any broken or burned-out bulbs. 

By improving lighting in and around your home, you not only create a safer environment but also contribute to the comfort and ambience of your space.  

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