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Just Another TOY STORY! 

Photo by Jose Betancourt on Unsplash

“I’m a geeky toy collector, and having toys of your characters is unbelievably cool.” 

– Craig McCracken 

A successful profession in today’s era might be a necessity that demands a person’s entire time and energy, sometimes making a person’s mind null towards their interests and slowly brainwashing them to forget what they are passionate about. Despite the societal pressure and daily life crisis, I.T. professional and influencer Raginald Vicente Paz teaches us to hold on to our passions. Paz, while being a successful professional in his domain, has held onto his love for other ventures and influences others to do the same. Let’s delve into the life and passions of Raginald Paz, an I.T. professional who possesses an extraordinary fascination for collecting toys and a love for exploring diverse culinary experiences. 

Photo by Jose Betancourt on Unsplash

One might wonder how an individual engrossed in the intricacies of I.T. finds solace in the world of toys. However, this disparity is not as contrasting as it seems. The act of collecting toys requires an exclusive blend of creativity and technical knowledge. Just as debugging code requires scrupulous problem-solving, identifying authentic toys demands astute observation and research. This duality showcases the I.T. professional’s nifty approach. Apart from Raginald’s love for the magical world of toys, his keen interest in diving deep into gastronomic adventures is a not-so-unusual approach as the daily advancement of life has exposed different cultures to each other, integrating each other with a wide array of cuisines from around the sphere. Food lovers like Raginald keep an appetite for new tastes that mirror their willingness to experiment with innovative technologies. Just as a diverse software stack enhances their proficiency, the diverse flavors on their palate broaden their culinary horizons.  

Born and raised in Manila, Raginald is an American I.T. professional owing a wide social media fan following. He is best known for his interest, as discussed earlier, for possessing a unique collection of toys. Additionally, being a dog dad has also facilitated him to gain wide popularity among animal lovers. Besides these, he also digs to find unique delicacies to spoil his tastebuds, connecting his personal experiences with his viewers and making himself a self-proclaimed blogger. 

Although Raginald was a resident of Manila, Philippines, he migrated to the U.S. to obtain a degree in Information and Technology which led him to hold a position in the I.T. sector. He enjoys food sampling and toy collection on the side.  

As an influencer, Raginald acknowledges his duty of updating the audience with intricate details of his lifestyle, instilling many to acquire healthy habits of pursuing a successful career while being mindful of what keeps them alive. He promotes heaving oneself with dynamic activities to preserve your childhood passion and not letting those dreams dry out.  He shares his insights and supremacy in the field of cooking as his explorative nature endorses him to look at diverse cultures and cuisines from all over the world. He showcases his food experiments on his social media portals as he occasionally travels around different parts of the region for additional exposure to the things he loves. Speaking of the remarkable collection of toys he owns, it would be safe to say that he has managed to build a realm of his own. Amidst this, he proudly admires having ownership of his Funko pop collection. His Funko Pop collection ranges from replicas of his French bulldog to Buzz Lightyear and Woody from Toy Story. His collection also has Harry Potter merchandise, pop culture figures, blind boxes, and much more. 

Paz’s ability to effortlessly integrate diverse passions imitates the dynamic nature of the I.T. field itself. His story serves as a shred of inspiring evidence of the fact that embracing seemingly different interests can lead to a well-rounded and fulfilling life. Just as lines of code come together to create complicated software, the threads of diverse hobbies weave an embroidery that is uniquely enriching on its own. 

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