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The Roasting Process: From Bean to Barista’s Delight

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Let’s take a moment, shall we? Close your eyes, and imagine walking through the heart of London early in the morning. The scent of freshly roasted coffee fills the air. Magic, right? From the historic streets of Oxford to the hustle and bustle of Birmingham, the UK’s love affair with coffee runs deep and robust. Today, we dive into the enchanting world of coffee and how it transforms from bean to cup, fuelling the nation’s caffeine obsession!

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash


Hey there, fellow coffee lover! Ever wondered how our beloved cuppa takes shape? From the fields where they’re grown to the barista’s skilled hands, it’s quite a tale. And, speaking of tales, tastecard’s got some eye-opening stats that highlight our nation’s coffee passion.

The Most Caffeinated Cities in the UK

Hold onto your mugs! London, our proud capital, recorded a whopping 778,160 coffee searches in 2023! Mind-boggling, right? But the coffee love doesn’t stop there. Edinburgh (with some incredible Edinburgh restaurant deals, might I add), Manchester, Birmingham, and Oxford are not far behind, joining the caffeine craze.

Coffee Types the UK Can’t Get Enough Of

Alright, pop quiz! What’s the nation’s favourite coffee? If you guessed Americano, ding ding ding! With over a million searches, this brew tops the chart. But we’re not just Americano aficionados; the Flat White, Cappuccino, and the aromatic Chai Latte have us swooning too.

Purchases That Tell The Real Tale

You see, search data is one thing. But when Brits part with their quid for a drink, that’s the real tea… err, coffee! The top sellers? The creamy Latte Regular, the frothy Cappuccino Regular, and the ever-smooth Flat White. Yes, we Brits have excellent taste!

The Joy of Savings with tastecard

Ah, savings! The only thing that can make a coffee taste even better. With tastecard’s Coffee Club, you’re not just getting your caffeine fix; you’re pocketing 25% savings on barista-made drinks seven days a week. Here’s a shocking number for you without tastecard, folks are missing out on £117 of potential savings each year. Think of all the extra coffees!

My Favourite Coffee Haunts

Let’s get a bit personal, shall we? Every coffee lover has their cherished spot. For me, there’s a quaint little café in the heart of Edinburgh, Cafe 42 – a hidden gem offering a tasty choice of coffee. And then there’s this bustling cafe in Manchester, Michaels Coffee House. Their Cappuccino? Heavenly!


From beans being tenderly roasted to the artful pour of a barista, the journey of coffee is as mesmerising as its taste. And as we, the Brits, continue our love saga with this beverage, remember there’s always room for one more cup. Cheers to our national obsession, and the joys it brings every dawn!

It’s funny, isn’t it? How a tiny bean, once ignored, has now become the heartbeat of our mornings. Our alleys are lit with coffee shops, our chatter filled with coffee tales, and our pauses marked by coffee breaks. The UK has been swept off its feet, and trust me, it ain’t by the British rain!

So, the next time you’re sipping on that heavenly brew, take a moment to appreciate its journey. From distant fields to our very hands, its tale is as rich as its flavour. And who knows? Maybe that cuppa isn’t just a drink. Maybe, just maybe, it’s a hug in a mug, a silent partner in our daily grind, and a toast to our ever-brewing love story with coffee.

Bottoms up, mate! And until our next coffee date, keep that kettle hot and the spirit hotter! Cheers! ?

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