Home Entertainment CABARET – The Lady Boys of Bangkok – The Greatest Showgirls Tour

CABARET – The Lady Boys of Bangkok – The Greatest Showgirls Tour

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Once again The Lady Boys of Bangkok prove why they are one of the most popular shows during Edinburgh’s festival season. [star rating =4/5]

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The show is participating in it’s 21st Edinburgh Festival Fringe and experience seems to count as the Lady Boys were able to please the crowd with their exotic dancing and unique sense of humour.

The show started with a bang, as the ensemble cast opened up with a fantastic cabaret number that excited the crowd.

The theme of the show was empowering women and the Lady Boys paid homage to some of the biggest divas in music. 

Beyonce, Madonna, Rhianna and Kylie Minogue were all present in their performances as they showed off a variety of costume changes that wowed the crowd.

Yet, it was not just their impressive dancing the Lady Boys showcased. They interacted with the audience, pulling up men and women on stage to join in the parody.

Perhaps the most poignant part of the show was one of the Lady Boys performing a sketch to Frank Sinatra’s ‘My Way’.

The performer was in a dress in front of a mirror whilst Sinatra’s ‘My Way’ was booming around the venue from a female vocalist.

The crowd were captivated by the moving performance as the performer got changed from a dress into trousers and a shirt and bowtie.

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As the song built to the finally the Lady Boy ripped her wig off to rapturous applause, with the song changing to Sinatra’s original version. 

The emotional number sent a poignant message of being whoever you want to be without prejudice or judgement.

It was a moment in the show which resonated with many in the audience.

However, the carnage returned as the legendary covers continued. Cabaret performances of Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ got many up on their feet dancing.

The Lady Boys loved to interact with the crowd, and during their interval audience members were given the opportunity to get up close and personal with the stars and get their photo taken with the glamorous performers.

After the break the dancing Lady Boys took then stage to the auidience as three perfomers began dancing on the bar in a gun-slinging performance of ‘Timber’ by Ke$ha.

The sketches between the cabaret dancing posed a moment of comedic relief as the Lady Boys paid homage to ‘Ru Paul’s Drag Race’ in a crowd pleasing performance.

It was a night full of glamour, sparkle and laughs. Once again the Lady Boys of Bangkok bring a contemporary angle to their world renowned show which continues to impress around the world over.

For a show that has been coming to the Edinburgh for 21 years, the ability to constantly find a relevant theme of the times would daunt most acts.

However, the Lady Boys of Bangkok continue to impress, amaze and delight all who venture in the famous tent.

They certainly are unforgettable.

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