Home Entertainment COMEDY – The 2 Mouthed Men Show

COMEDY – The 2 Mouthed Men Show

Credit The 2 Mouthed Men Show, Images by Polly Bycroft brown Photography

An evening full of beats, sketches and unusual story telling [star rating =3/5]

Credit The 2 Mouthed Men Show, Images by Polly Bycroft brown Photography

The 2 Mouthed Men Show comprises of Daniel Stanger-Cornwell and James Hawley.

The duo have created a unique approach to comedy by using the medium of beatboxing to tell story’s and create sketches.

Musically the duo are a joy to watch as they cover bands from the Black Eyed Peas to the Electric Six. Some of their performances are pure beatboxing, but others see them singing their own songs with an accompanying electric guitar.

These arts of their performance when they would display their musical talent, which is nothing short of brilliant, were my favourite.

Their twists on classic, well known songs (even their own songs) were well thought-out and brought a freshness to their performance.

The venue, The Chateris Centre, creates an intimate setting for the performers to interact with the audience. However, at times the venue felt like it let the duo down as there was no way to create smooth transitions from one sketch to another.

Because of this, throughout the production it often felt as if it was set up a little like a high school talent show.

Comedically the performance was lacklustre. The audience seemed often divided on whether to laugh or not.

Sketches were often thrown together with no real definitive link between them which left me confused and unsure of what was going on.

It is evident that the pair have something that could one day be great, but it doesn’t feel like they have reached the final refined version of the show which has good potential if they can refine the comedic element.

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