Monday, May 6, 2024
Partner PostsTaxFam Reveals the Best Primary Retention Strategy for Any Business

TaxFam Reveals the Best Primary Retention Strategy for Any Business

On paper, TaxFam sounds just like any other financial service institution offering tax preparation services. The company mainly helps individuals and businesses fill out their tax forms and balance their books to ensure that none of their clients overpay or owe money in taxes.

But what makes TaxFam stand out as a company cannot be seen on paper.

Instead, it is best felt when clients walk into their office in South Florida. As one would be treated when visiting a family member, the TaxFam office will welcome guests with office refreshments and snacks—a welcome perk for clients coming in on those hot summer days in Florida.

Their office is adorned with a state-of-the-art sound system, a movie theater facility, and several massage chairs to make the long, tedious tax-preparation process more bearable.

Image provided by Lydia@ascendagency

When asked why he decided to make the TaxFam office as homey as possible, owner and founder Moses Joseph says, “Our location is meant to be an extension of our 900-strong clients’ homes. When a client enters, we embrace them with open arms because we want them to feel right at home.”

For Joseph, no other retention strategy can beat providing clients with the highest level of quality customer service. TaxFam does have a strong referral system where they offer a $100 same-day incentive for single referrals and a $1,000 cash incentive for clients who can refer five friends within a week. This system brings in so many clients, on top of helping existing clients with their simple day-to-day needs by providing them with a little pocket money for gas or groceries.

“But if we do get a referral for a new customer, and then that customer has a bad experience with us, they won’t come back,” says Joseph. “If that client is not pleased with the attention that they’ve received, then they won’t refer us to another friend, which stops the domino effect of our strong referral system.”

Another way TaxFam provides a higher level of quality service to its loyal customers is by holding raffles on its Instagram page. They mostly put high-priced items like 70-inch TVs up for grabs.

Joseph says this is the company’s attempt at leaving a bigger impact on their clients’ lives beyond the usual benefits people get from having their taxes prepared by professionals. After all, getting big-ticket items for free saves their clients hundreds of dollars that they can instead put to better use.

In many ways, TaxFam considers itself a part of its clients’ families. That’s how it showcases top-notch quality customer service, its best and most effective retention strategy to date.

“We’re like that family member who’s always looking out and helping you when times get rough.”

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