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Partner PostsBreaking the Habit: How TMS Therapy Can Help You Quit Smoking

Breaking the Habit: How TMS Therapy Can Help You Quit Smoking

For many, quitting smoking can be extremely difficult because of the associated withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Fortunately, medical advances have made it easier to kick the habit for good. TMS for addiction is a newer treatment option that has shown promising results for smokers wanting to quit.

Photo by Andres Siimon on Unsplash

Why is quitting smoking so difficult? 

Quitting smoking can be difficult for many reasons. Nicotine is an addictive substance in tobacco that stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain, which creates feelings of pleasure and reward. Over time, the dependence on nicotine increases, making it hard for people to quit smoking without experiencing uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Smoking can also be deeply ingrained in a person’s daily routine and social interactions, making it even more challenging to break the habit. 

When smokers try to quit, they find it stressful and emotionally challenging, especially for those who have smoked for a long time. The fear of gaining weight, the anxiety of not having a coping mechanism, and the uncertainty of handling cravings can be daunting. Quitting smoking often requires a significant lifestyle change, which can be difficult to maintain. 

Smoking cessation treatment options

There are several smoking treatment options available to help people quit smoking, with the most common being the following:

  • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) involves using nicotine products, such as patches, gum, or inhalers, to help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Medications prescribed by a healthcare professional are also used to manage cravings.
  • Counseling can be valuable by providing support and education to learn strategies to manage with cravings and triggers.
  • Support groups can offer a supportive and understanding community of people going through a similar experience of quitting smoking.
  • Some people may find alternative therapies, such as hypnosis or acupuncture, helpful in quitting smoking, but these therapies have limited research evidence.

What is TMS therapy? 

TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) is a non-invasive medical technique that uses a magnetic field to focus on specific areas of the brain. The procedure involves placing a coil on the scalp, which emits magnetic pulses that can pass through the skull to stimulate the brain. The magnetic pulses create small electrical currents to regulate activity in areas of the brain associated with addiction.

TMS for smoking cessation is considered safe and as a non-invasive treatment, it does not require anesthesia or sedation. However, it may cause mild side effects such as headaches, scalp discomfort, and muscle twitching. TMS may not be appropriate for everyone and should only be performed by a trained healthcare professional.

How can TMS therapy help in quitting smoking? 

TMS smoking cessation has shown high success rates with few side effects. However, it is important to understand that its effectiveness may vary depending on individual factors. 


  1. Non-invasive: TMS therapy is a non-invasive treatment that does not require surgery or anesthesia. This may make it a more appealing treatment option for individuals hesitant to undergo more invasive procedures.
  2. No medication: TMS therapy does not involve medication, which may benefit individuals concerned about potential side effects or drug interactions.
  3. Targeted treatment: TMS therapy can be targeted to the brain areas involved in regulating mood and emotion. This may result in more precise and effective treatment outcomes.
  4. Few side effects: While TMS therapy can have some side effects, such as headaches or scalp discomfort, these are typically mild and short-lived compared to other treatment options.
  5. Potentially long-lasting effects: TMS therapy has been shown to have long-lasting effects in some individuals, even after the treatment is discontinued.
  6. Potential for use with other treatments: TMS therapy can be combined with other treatments, such as medication or therapy, to enhance treatment outcomes.

 Side effects

  1. Headache: One of TMS therapy’s most common side effects is a headache, which can occur during or after the treatment session. Some people may also experience discomfort or pain in the scalp during TMS therapy.
  2. Muscle twitching: TMS therapy can cause involuntary muscle twitching in the face, scalp, or other areas of the body.
  3. Seizure: While rare, TMS therapy has been associated with the risk of seizure, particularly in people with a history of seizures or other neurological conditions.

Effectiveness of TMS therapy for smoking cessation compared to other treatments

For people who have tried other smoking cessation methods without success, TMS therapy may be a viable option to consider in consultation with a medical professional. Research shows that smokers who received TMS therapy targeting the prefrontal cortex had a higher rate of abstinence compared to those using other forms of smoking cessation therapies. 

The effectiveness of TMS therapy for smoking cessation may vary depending on individual factors, such as the severity of nicotine addiction and other underlying mental health conditions. TMS therapy for smoking cessation is a newer and less widely used treatment than more established options such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and medication. 

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

NRT is the use of nicotine products that are available over the counter. Although it is considered safe and effective for many people, NRT does not address nicotine addiction’s underlying psychological and behavioral aspects.


Several medications are available for smoking cessation work by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms and blocking the pleasurable effects of nicotine. However, many people have reported undesirable side effects, and medication is not always appropriate for everyone.

TMS therapy

Because TMS therapy is a non-invasive treatment that does not involve medication, it is a more appealing treatment option for many. While TMS therapy is a newer treatment, results demonstrate its effectiveness in smoking cessation and other mental health conditions. 

Where can you get TMS therapy for smoking cessation?

TMS therapy is typically offered by medical professionals specializing in mental health or neurology. TMS is an FDA-approved treatment for OCD and other mental health disorders. Its use is being expanded for smoking cessation. Mental health and neurology clinics may offer TMS therapy as a treatment; however, it is essential to research the clinic and ensure they have experience with this specific treatment.

TMS therapy is typically part of a comprehensive smoking cessation treatment plan that may include counseling. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment for smoking cessation that suits your specific needs.

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