Monday, May 20, 2024
Partner PostsClutter Reduction With Better Storage Solutions 

Clutter Reduction With Better Storage Solutions 

It seems clutter piles up without our noticing it until visitors arrive and question the home’s condition. Sometimes, people get busy and forget about organizing their environment until the task becomes overwhelming. Learn how to reduce clutter and enjoy a cleaner living space with improved storage solutions.

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash

Start With Storage

Once you realize there are too many things in your house, it’s time to move some of them to declutter your environment. Options such as a pink self storage unit make it easy to collect and store items you want but may not often use so they are out of sight. For example, seasonal decorations and tools can put tucked away in storage rather than taking up space in your laundry room or closet.

Have a Plan of Attack

Now that you have a place to store items you want to keep, it’s time to create a plan of attack to eliminate clutter. Start by deciding which rooms require clearing out and then begin from the top to the bottom of the house. Another strategy is working from the back of the room to the front so you walk out with unnecessary items and have a clear space behind you.

Use It or Lose It

Clutter happens when people get more things and neglect to discard the old ones. Also, sometimes we hold onto items because they have memories attached to them. Either way, anything you haven’t used in over a year should be discarded, given away, or stored in a marked box. Plus, old clothes and shoes are often a poor fit today and could be donated to help others.

Donate or Keep?

Donating older items is an excellent way to reduce clutter and do something good for someone else. If you haven’t used it for a long time, you are unlikely to miss it, but your old items in good condition could still benefit others. Plus, items in poor condition should be thrown away as they won’t be useful to anyone else.

Set a Timeline

While there is no rush to clean up your home, we often put off doing the final work until we are less busy. Because life rarely gets less hectic, it is important to establish a timeline for finishing each room to stay on track. For example, if you want a well-organized bedroom, set a goal of clearing up everything within a week. By doing this, you will soon enjoy more organized rooms and be inspired to finish decluttering your home. 

Invest in Storage Options

Sturdy boxes and totes help clean up and store items. Invest in the right storage solutions to make your work easier, and mark the boxes with the contents as you go along. Also, designate space to put items going in storage or donation so you know what to do with everything when you finish. 

Enjoy a Well-Organized Environment

Finally, step back and enjoy your well-organized environment. For a minimal investment of time and resources, your home is instantly transformed into a more welcoming place.

Dealing with clutter is frustrating without the right storage solutions. Take time to invest in boxes, rent a storage facility, and sort through your items on a timeline leads to a cleaner living space tomorrow. With a small investment of time and energy, you’ll be rid of items you no longer need.

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