Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Partner PostsHow to Get the Most Out of Your In-Flight Wi-Fi?

How to Get the Most Out of Your In-Flight Wi-Fi?

In today’s digital age, staying connected on the go and while traveling has become a priority for many people. Our lives and daily activities are so reliant on the internet that staying connected, even while traveling 30,000-35,000 feet in the air, has become essential. Luckily, in-flight WiFi has emerged as a savior that allows air travelers to stay connected to the internet while traveling, and remain productive, entertained, and connected to the world.

Photo by Margo Brodowicz on Unsplash

Although in-flight WiFi services like UnitedWifi provide the convenience of staying connected to the internet while traveling in the air, the internet speed is not as fast as on the ground. Therefore, to get the most out of this service and maximize your in-flight WiFi experience, you will have to be more clever and quick than others. For this purpose, we have discussed some essential tips that will help you get the most out of your in-flight WiFi.

Connect Early to the Network

The first tip that will allow you to get the most out of your in-flight WiFi is to connect early to the WiFi and secure a stable connection for yourself. As soon as you board the flight and the in-flight WiFi service becomes available for passengers, it’s best to log in and connect to the network early.

The in-flight WiFi is shared between you and hundreds of other passengers on the plane, due to which network congestion occurs. Connecting early to the network allows you to secure a stable connection for yourself before other passengers can join the network. This gives you a head start, and your connection is also more reliable and stable compared to others.

You can further enhance and improve your in-flight WiFi experience by positioning yourself close to the router for better signal and connectivity. Of course, this may not be possible due to your seat’s positioning, but if it is possible, you should do this too.

Optimize Your Device’s Settings

The next thing you can do to make the most of your in-flight WiFi experience is to optimize your device’s settings. Before connecting to the in-flight WiFi network, make sure that you disable automatic app updates and photo backups, as these can consume a significant amount of data and slow down the network.

Along with these, ensure that you limit background data usage and close all unnecessary apps that are running in the background. Apps running in the background can hog the bandwidth and slow down the network. By optimizing these settings, you can get a faster and more efficient browsing experience. Moreover, you will also be able to save your limited data.

Apply Data Saving Measures

Since in-flight WiFi comes with data usage limitations, you should take data-saving measures to maximize the usage of your allocated data. When you subscribe to an in-flight WiFi service offered by any airline, such as American Airlines, Delta Airlines, or British Airways, you are allocated a specific amount of data.

To maximize the usage of your limited data, enable data-saving options within your mobile phone and web browser. Avoid streaming video content as it consumes a significant amount of data. Opt for low-resolution images and videos, as they load quickly and consume less data. If you have to download anything, do it while you are on the ground, and avoid downloading unnecessary files on the in-flight WiFi. By adopting these data-saving measures, you can maximize the usage of your limited data cap.

Use Offline Mode When Available

There are many services that offer an offline mode, such as email. While connected to in-flight WiFi, consider using offline mode for services that offer this functionality. By utilizing the offline mode, you can save data and ensure that your productivity isn’t affected by intermittent connectivity. If you have to work while traveling, download important documents in advance so you can access them offline and work on them without your productivity being interrupted.

Use a VPN

Using a VPN can also help you maximize your in-flight Wi-Fi experience. A VPN helps you maintain your security and privacy when connecting to a public WiFi network. It does so by encrypting your internet connection and protecting sensitive information from potential hackers or cyber attackers. It also adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that your online activities remain private and secure. Furthermore, a VPN allows you to bypass geo-restrictions, providing access to certain websites or content that may otherwise be blocked or unavailable on the in-flight Wi-Fi network.

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