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Partner PostsPersonal Law. What Services Do Solicitors Offer?

Personal Law. What Services Do Solicitors Offer?

There’s likely to be a point in your life where you need legal expertise. Whether that’s sorting out a will, going through a divorce or selling your house, you’ll need the help of a personal law solicitor.

When you need it, choosing a local solicitor also makes arranging meetings less stressful because you know you can reach them quickly if you need to in a hurry.

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

The Role of a Solicitor

A solicitor provides legal support and tailored legal advice to people in a variety of situations. They can help with a range of issues, from family matters to criminal justice. The law is a broad spectrum of expertise and it pays to choose specialists in the area of law you need help with.

Family and Personal Law

For those going through a divorce or needing help with making other family arrangements for example, a family law solicitor will be able to give advice.

Family and personal law has a wide scope so choose a specialist in the specific area you need. They should be experienced in dealing with the sensitive circumstances that may arise during matters of family and personal law.

Family law might include the following areas:

·         Divorce and separation arrangements

·         Children and pet arrangements

·         Finances and other settlements

·         Wills and estate planning

·         Probate

Children’s Law

If you need help with children’s law issues, find solicitors who specialise in children law.

For example:

·         You’d like to adopt or you’re having issues with your adoption

·         You’re going through a divorce and need to make child arrangements

·         You need the help of social services or are under investigation by social services

·         Help with step-parent arrangements or parental responsibility arrangements

Criminal Law

Criminal law requires an experienced legal specialist to offer you the best advice. If you have been arrested and charged, you have the right to a legal aid solicitor at the police station to represent you and give you advice.

You could be facing criminal charges, including:

·         Theft

·         Violence

·         Road traffic offences

·         Sexual offences

·         Drug offences

·         Domestic offences

Find a criminal law specialist near you if you find yourself facing criminal charges.


Whether you’re buying or selling a property, you’ll need a conveyancing solicitor. They’re important in ensuring the legal paperwork is completed properly, that the house is registered properly and that there are no circumstances that can adversely affect the property in the future, such as risk of flooding. You’ll need a conveyancing solicitor in the following circumstances:

·         You’re remortgaging your home

·         You’re buying a new property

·         You’re selling your home

·         You’re going through an equity release agreement or transferring equity


Planning for the future is vital and solicitors can help with creating a will, trust or lasting powers of attorney. This is to help ensure that your wishes are fulfilled once you die, that your estate is distributed in the way you want and to help reduce any tax burden for your family after you have passed away.

What if I Can’t Afford a Solicitor?

If you’re eligible, legal aid is available for a range of legal issues, including frequently many of the above.

Legal aid has a set of criteria and a specific application process. To help you apply, a solicitor must have a contract with the Legal Aid Authority. So,   make sure you find legal aid solicitors nearby before you do anything else. The right solicitor can also give advice on whether you’re likely to be eligible.

It’s also worth noting that you may be eligible for help with some of the costs but not all the costs associated with your case.

And again, it’s helpful to get in touch with a local firm so you have access to someone who can help that’s close by.

But if you are unable to pay for legal services and don’t qualify for legal aid, you could be eligible for a solicitor to take on your case as part of their pro bono work.

Pro bono work is free work solicitors provide so that everyone has access to legal help when they need it most. Solicitors aren’t obliged to perform this work for free, but many do it as a way to give back.

Final Thoughts

When you next require legal help, a solicitor will be able to provide the necessary advice, no matter what area of law you need support with. From family issues to arranging your will, there will be a professional nearby who can help.

Get in touch with a local firm by searching for specialist solicitors in your area which will show professionals where you are.

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