Monday, June 17, 2024

Tag: Prison

Scottish prison officers crack down on inmates’ secret Facebook use

PRISON chiefs shut down 80 Facebook accounts used by inmates last year, after investigations into the use of social media behind bars. Out of 118...

Young criminals should be tagged instead of going to prison says expert

YOUNG CRIMINALS should be tagged as an alternative to prison sentences of six months or less, an influential academic has said. Professor Mike Nellis, who...

£5m spent on church ministers for Scotland’s prisoners

JAIL chiefs have spent more than £5m providing church ministers to Scotland’s prisoners over the past five years. Despite the image of nation’s jails as...

Sex offenders refuse treatment in Scottish jails

MORE THAN 100 sex offenders in Scottish jails are refusing rehab designed to reduce the risk of reoffending - an official has revealed. Previous research...

Male nurse struck off and jailed after pleading guilty to sex offences

A MALE nurse who pretended to be a teenage lesbian to get access to young girls has been struck off. Barry McCluskey, who is currently...

Prison shops cheaper than Tesco: SPS bosses accused of running “glorified discount store”

PRISON bosses have been accused of running a “glorified discount store” after it emerged inmates are gifted nearly £1 million to spend on half-price...

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