Saturday, May 18, 2024
Partner PostsDryer Vent Cleaning; Is It Worth It?

Dryer Vent Cleaning; Is It Worth It?

Most people don’t take dryer vent cleaning seriously. But take it this way-do you usually feel stuffy and suffocating when you have stayed in your home for so long? If the answer for this is yes, this tells you why it is important to have your dryer vents cleaned. The reason could be that the dryer vents are dirty and making your indoor air contaminated when air blows through them into your home.

So, contaminated air, without a doubt, will make you feel fatigued and sick whenever you spend time indoors. A home ought to be a place of comfort, where you can relax after a long day working. If that is not the case, then Comfort Clean suggests that you consider dryer vent cleaning to make your home as liveable as possible.

  1. Can My Air Conditioner Make Me Sick?

The simple answer is yes. Airborne allergies such as pet dander, dust, dirt and pollen get into the dryer vents. As they accumulate in the air vents, they get blown back into the room, hence contaminating the indoor air. As such, you end up breathing them in, and this results in allergies and respiratory problems. The effect is that the occupants will be feeling dizzy, fatigued and may suffer from inflamed sinuses.

Another issue is the mould that can quickly grow in the dirty air vents and get distributed throughout your home, hence affecting indoor air quality. Depending on its type, mould can be dangerous to the inhabitants of the home.

To salvage these problems, dryer vent cleaning would be the best thing to opt for and avoid contamination of your indoor air. Remember, prevention is better than cure!

The importance of dry vent cleaning
The importance of dry vent cleaning. Photo of someone cleaning their blinds by CDC on Unsplash
  1. Identifying Mould In Your Dryer Vents

If there is a high accumulation of animal dander and dust in your home, that can easily be identified by sight. But, this is not the case with mould, which can be challenging to identify. It takes different colours, sometimes occurring as dark, green, or brown substance in dark corners and hard to reach places in your home.

That poses a significant challenge in identifying it. In most cases, by the time homeowners see it, it has already spread in other parts of their home, and that makes it hard to control.

However, you can identify it before it spreads in various ways. For instance, mould has a unique odour. It smells like a moist substance. If you smell this odour, it is essential to arrange for vent cleaning from a professional cleaner.

  1. Preventing “ Air Conditioner Sickness”

There are myriad ways to maintain your air vents so that it doesn’t lead to conditions that make you sick. One of such ways is to dust and vacuum any animal dander in your home.

Another important thing you should do is to replace air filters. Experts recommend that you should replace the air filters at least every month. If the problem persists and there are unending respiratory health in your home, you should schedule dryer vent cleaning. You may also opt for installation of air purifiers to get rid of the dangerous contaminants from indoor air.

  1. Never Block Return Or Supply Vents

When you turn on your HVAC system, various things take place. First, the heating and cooling system blows conditioned air and at the same time sucks the air out. So, if the supply or return vent is blocked, that throws the entire HVAC’s system into disarray.

While many homeowners do that hopping to cut off conditioned air into unoccupied rooms, that increases pressure on the HVAC system, and that could lead to significant duct leaks. On the contrary, blocking these vents doesn’t cut down your energy consumption as hoped because the cooling and heating system always operates at the same speed.

The purpose of return and supply vents is to maintain a balanced air supply. In a layman’s term, the air leaving should be equal to the air entering your home.

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