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What is the best way to sell gold?


Gold has long been seen as a valuable commodity. Gold bars have been found in Egyptian tombs that date back 2,000 years. But even if you don’t think of gold as an investment, it can still be a great way to help you save money. When the price of gold is high, you can sell it back later when it goes down. So what’s the best way to sell gold, your old jewellery or scrap? Let’s take a look!

Photo by Cat Han on Unsplash

Selling Options for Gold

Gold has many uses, including jewellery and coins. In addition to its intrinsic value as a 

precious metal, it can be sold in several other forms.

To sell gold online or in person:

  • Many reputable companies will buy your items from you if you have scrap gold jewellery, coins or bars that are at least nine karat (or 24 karat for higher purity). Some companies offer cash immediately if the price is right; some offer credit towards future purchases of other products or services; others may give you store credit for future use with their company.
  • You may also want to consider selling your scrap gold through one of the many websites dedicated entirely to buying and selling this commodity; some of these sites offer direct cash payments, while others provide store credits which can then be used later when purchasing new items from them (such as jewellery).

Should I Sell My Gold Jewellery or Scrap?

If you’re considering selling your gold jewellery or scrap, there are a few things to consider.

First, scrap gold is more valuable than scrap jewellery. This means that when you sell your old stuff, it’s probably easier to get the most money possible if it’s in the form of small pieces rather than big ones. For instance: A ring with a diamond might only be worth $100 at best because diamonds are expensive, and it would take forever for anyone with a jeweller’s loupe (that’s what we call those little magnifying glasses that jewellers use) to identify any flaws in its clarity or cut grade (if there were any). On the other hand, an old gold chain could add up to something close to $50-$60 in value—assuming it was made from 14K yellow gold back in 1930s America!

Do I Need to Get My Gold Appraised Before I Sell It?

If you are wondering whether or not you need to get your gold appraised before selling it, the answer is “it depends.” If your primary motivation for selling your gold is profit, then no—appraisals are not required for a buyer to purchase from you. However, suppose you want protection against fraud or other issues that might result from purchasing a piece of jewellery online (which can happen even with reputable sellers), then yes. In that case, you should get an appraisal before selling your gold. Otherwise, there may be some trouble down the road if something goes wrong with the transaction and there’s no way of proving what the value was at the time of sale.

Does It Matter What Condition My Gold Is In?

Gold is sold by weight. It’s measured in karats, which are a measure of purity. The purer the gold, the higher the price.

So if your gold is tarnished or scratched, it will not affect its value much—you’re still getting paid according to how much gold you have.

Can I Sell Gold Online?

If you’ve been thinking about selling your gold jewellery, you should know a few things. For example: can I sell gold online? And if so, what are the benefits of selling gold online?

There are many reasons why people choose to sell their gold jewellery through an online marketplace. 

What about Selling My Gold in Person?

If you want to sell your gold in person, you can head to a pawn shop where they buy jewellery. However, it’s important to remember that the amount of money you’ll get for your jewellery will be less than if you sell it online or via mail order.

Pawnbrokers have a reputation for being shady characters who make their living off the misfortune of others. However, while some pawnshops use unscrupulous practices, plenty of reputable ones offer fair prices and treat their customers with respect (and sometimes even give them a free cookie).

Where Is the Best Place to Sell My Old Jewellery?

You can sell silver your old jewellery to a local jeweller, or you can sell it through another retailer. You can also go online and work with a personal seller or an international seller. If you want to deal directly with someone in your area, then go ahead and try a local jewellery store. 

Some of these stores buy gold for cash or credit toward purchases at their shops, such as chain stores like Zales or Kay Jewellers. They may even offer an additional discount on top of the price of gold when they buy your old necklace or earrings from you if they think it’s valuable enough (though this is rare).

Where Should I Go to Get Cash for Gold Near Me?

  • When it comes to selling your gold, you have a few options. You can sell it online, in person, or over the phone. Buying online is often the best choice if you’re looking for convenience and anonymity (and who isn’t?). You can also sell your jewellery at pawn shops, jewellery stores and repair shops—but these places will only give you cash for their melt value—which doesn’t account for how much the piece of jewellery might be worth as an individual item. Ultimately if you want to get the most money out of selling your valuables while still keeping them close by, then a local buyer is probably where you want to go!


When people sell their gold, they tend to find the best way to do so. For example, they may seek to get rid of unwanted jewellery or other valuables. Whatever the reason for selling your gold, you must understand your options before deciding what type of service will work best for you and how much money you want out of this transaction.

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