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Partner PostsRobert Wickboldt Explains 5 Reasons to Support the Arts

Robert Wickboldt Explains 5 Reasons to Support the Arts

Houston real estate investor Robert Wickboldt is an avid supporter of the arts. He believes that the arts are essential for humanity. They provide hope and inspiration and restore our faith in beauty. He describes the top 5 reasons why he supports the arts and why you should too. 

Houston, TX: Robert Wickboldt Explains 5 Reasons to Support the Arts

1. Strengthens Communities

The arts are an excellent way to bring communities together. Art speaks to everyone, regardless of culture, race, or economic status. When people come together to enjoy art, they have a sense of comradery. 

Wickboldt notes that 62% of Americans believe that the arts help them to understand other communities and cultures better. 67% believe that they have a unifying impact on the community, regardless of demographic differences.  

2. They Benefit the Economy 

The arts have a positive impact on the economy at the local and national levels. On the local level, those who attend arts events spend approximately $32 beyond the price of admission. Those who travel from outside the county spend more, with an average of $48 per person. 

The arts account for 4.3% of the national GDP. This is more than the construction, agriculture, and transportation industries. 5.2 million people in the U.S. are currently employed in the arts and cultural industries. 

3. Social Impact of the Arts 

An extensive study in Kings County found incredible social benefits linked to the arts. At-risk youth are 23% more likely to attend college if they have high involvement in the arts. 

Cultural resources have a large impact on low-income communities as well. These areas have 14% less child abuse and neglect and 18% less serious crime than low-income communities with few cultural activities. 

4. Improves Individual Well Being and Health

Arts are inspirational and uplifting. It can sometimes seem that the world is in turmoil. A pandemic, a war, and economic struggles can make it difficult to see the good things in life. 

81% of people state that the arts give them a “positive experience in a troubled world.” Nearly 3/4 of people also note that the arts give them pure pleasure, whether they are observing a performance or participating in one. 

Nearly half of all healthcare facilities offer arts programs. 80% of these institutions offer art programs because it’s been shown to improve patient outcomes, including faster recoveries and decreased pain. 

5. Benefits for Businesses 

The arts benefit individuals, communities, and society as a whole. However, the Houston resident states that supporting the arts is highly beneficial for businesses as well. Improving the local community through arts programs helps businesses to attract and retain better talent. 

Involvement with the arts also provides an excellent opportunity for networking. Executives that support arts organizations and attend events and fundraisers will naturally meet with other executives in their community. 

Joining an artboard or community can provide even more opportunities to meet other professionals. Bonding over a love for the arts can be the start of helpful and lucrative relationships. 

About Wickboldt

Robert Wickboldt is a day trader and real estate investor. He supports several arts organizations, including the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Natural Science in Houston. 

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