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Partner PostsGershom Sikaala’s 5 Secrets to Greatness

Gershom Sikaala’s 5 Secrets to Greatness

Every person on Earth wants to live a happy, fulfilling life but often fails to find a way to achieve it. Who doesn’t love to feel positive and good about themselves? Unfortunately, in the pursuit of happiness, we end up setting impractical goals that eventually bring more disappointment. Gershom Sikaala, a life coach, mentor, innovative thinker, and author is here to help us live fulfilling lives by adapting 5 small changes. Gershom Sikaala holds a doctorate in psychology and biblical studies. He has worked with celebrities and traveled around the world as a motivational speaker.

Here are 5 proven ways or secrets to living a great life as decoded by Gershom Sikaala.

1. Don’t hold on to your past

Gershom Sikaala believes that the anxiety and pain we all have been through in the past is nothing but muddy water. The sooner we move out of the muddy water the better it is. If we hold it as memories, the muddy water will only spoil the clean water that is present. The present is crucial because it paves the way to the future. We cannot change anything about the past so it is better we accept it and move on to build a future that we will be proud of, and it has to start today. We cannot sacrifice our present by living in the past.

2. Self-love is crucial

Self-care is the first step to feeling good about yourself. This way you can also take care of people around you. Just like you cannot serve anything from an empty vessel you cannot spread love and kindness if you don’t have it in yourself. Be kind to yourself, accept your mistakes, and focus on the lessons learned. Squeeze out some time to do things that you love like a long-lost hobby or spend time with people who make you feel happy.   

3. Help without expectations

Sometimes people become disappointed or feel hurt because some other person fails to live up to their expectations. This is where you have to learn to give people without expecting anything in return. This way you will never be disappointed, and your mind will remain sound in all situations.

4. Invest in yourself

The rat race that we all are part of sometimes makes us forget to invest in ourselves. The luxury car or another figure on the bank balance can wait if you prioritize self-growth. It can lead you to a more successful career and a fulfilling life. Investing in yourself helps in self-development. It can be learning a new skill, reading a motivational book, visiting a new place to experience a new culture, or focusing more on your health. Remember, a healthy body and mind is the key to a great life, and it begins with an investment in yourself. 

5. Believe in yourself

Confidence is the best thing you can wear in any situation. Life is all about ups and downs, and the only thing you can bank upon is your self-confidence. Believe in yourself, and you can do anything you put your mind and soul into. Always know that if you are walking the right path, God is with you and nothing can stop you from achieving your goal.

Gershom Sikaala overcame a long phase of procrastination to take the leap of faith that changed his life forever. Now he wants to reach more and more people to help them live fulfilling lives and eventually create a ripple effect of this around the world.

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