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Partner PostsGraftingardeners – The environmentally friendly stump grinding and its benefits

Graftingardeners – The environmentally friendly stump grinding and its benefits

Wildlife can benefit from stumps in multiple ways. When a tree dies and its stump is left to decompose naturally, it can serve as a home and source of food for various creatures. When arborists remove trees, a tree stump is frequently left behind. Numerous insects, such as beetles, ants, and termites, can make a dead stump their home. These insects can then attract birds, woodpeckers, and mammals such as mice and squirrels that feast on them. The insects living on the stump can also decompose the wood, adding to the ecosystem’s nutrition cycle.

Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

Additionally, a snag can provide shelter and nesting locations for certain species. Woodpeckers, for instance, may burrow holes in the stump to construct nesting cavities, and tiny mammals may use the crevices between the decaying wood as protection from predators. Companies who perform tree surgery, such as Graftingardeners, have realised the benefits of keeping tree stumps. It is an arboriculture enterprise with more than 15 years of experience. GraftinGardeners Ltd has developed its own environmental policy as a reputable and responsible tree service.

Dead stumps can be vital in maintaining a healthy ecosystem in various environments, including urban places such as London and locations of exceptional natural beauty such as the Surrey Hills. Not all dead stumps are helpful to animals; thus, their removal is occasionally necessary. If a tree dies due to a pathogen, the stump may have the pathogen and could transmit it to other trees. In these instances, it is best to remove the stump to prevent the disease from spreading. GraftinGardeners Ltd offers years of experience in the arboricultural sector, making a name for itself as a specialist in stump grinding.

Tree stumps can be ugly and diminish a garden’s or landscape’s beauty. The stump can be ground down to improve the area’s aesthetics. Particularly in high-traffic areas, tree stumps can constitute a safety threat. Individuals can trip and fall over them, particularly if they are concealed by grass or vegetation. This threat can be removed by grinding the stump. Tree stumps can consume space that could be utilised for other reasons. The space created by stump removal might be used for other landscaping projects or structures.

The three methods of GraftinGardeners

GraftinGardeners Ltd utilise three methods to remove tree stumps in London’s urban environment: various kinds of machinery, hand removal, and chemical removal. Numerous types of equipment can be used to remove a tree stump, depending on the stump’s size and the site’s accessibility.

A stump grinder is a machine that utilises a revolving disc with teeth to reduce the stump and its roots to small chips. GraftinGardeners, utilise Rayco stump grinders which manufactures a pedestrian-friendly, hand-held stump grinder that is ideal for usage in London and is small enough to pass through the internal doorframes of London’s many Victorian-era residences.

GraftinGardeners Ltd utilises Ecoplugs as the chemical treatment of choice for tree stumps. They are a practical and environmentally benign means of controlling the growth of undesirable trees and woody bushes. They are little, biodegradable capsules containing a potent herbicide progressively released over time to damage the targeted plant’s roots.

Ecoplugs are put directly into the tree or shrub’s base, and the plant’s roots subsequently absorb the herbicide. The pesticide destroys the plant slowly and effectively without affecting neighbouring plants or animals. The low environmental effect of Ecoplugs is one of their primary advantages. The herbicide is distributed gradually over time, reducing the potential to pollute the surrounding water supplies and wildlife. In addition, the biodegradable capsule decomposes without leaving any toxic residues.

However, it is vital to highlight that only trained arborists, such as GraftinGardeners Ltd, should utilise Ecoplugs.  Similar to other herbicides, improper use of Ecoplugs can be hazardous. With many years of experience, GraftinGardeners Ltd is knowledgeable about herbicides’ application and safety, particularly Ecoplugs.

Grinding the hazardous stumps since its inception

GraftinGardeners Ltd is a tree surgery and landscaping business in London, United Kingdom. They provide various tree-related services, such as tree trimming, tree felling, stump removal, and tree planting. Since its founding in 2009, the company has developed a reputation for offering superior services to residential and commercial customers. GraftinGardeners Ltd takes pride in its dedication to customer satisfaction and strives to provide services that exceed its customers’ expectations. They provide clients with peace of mind by providing affordable prices and comprehensive insurance coverage for their job.

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