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Partner PostsRising Demand for Direct Cremations in the UK Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Rising Demand for Direct Cremations in the UK Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Traditional funerals have long been the norm in the UK, but the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the funeral industry. Restrictions on gatherings and social distancing measures have made it challenging for families to hold traditional funerals and say goodbye to their loved ones as they would have preferred.

As a result, there has been an immediate rise in the demand for direct cremations, a simple and affordable alternative to traditional funerals. In this outline, we will explore the rising demand for direct cremations in the UK amid the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the funeral industry.

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unspl

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Funeral Industry in the UK

COVID-19 has significantly impacted the funeral industry in the UK, with many families forced to change their funeral plans. Here are some statistics and data on the number of deaths and funerals in the UK during the pandemic, as well as the challenges faced by the funeral industry:

  • According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 613,777 deaths registered in England and Wales in 2020, an increase of 14.5% compared to 2019. The highest number of deaths occurred from March to June 2020, during the first wave of the pandemic.
  • The number of funerals taking place during the pandemic has also been impacted. Due to social distancing restrictions, many families have had to limit the number of attendees or hold virtual funerals.
  • Funeral directors have faced numerous challenges in capacity as the high number of deaths has pressured their services. In addition, they have had to navigate changing government guidelines and safety measures to ensure funerals can occur safely.
  • Some funeral homes have experienced supply chain issues, such as shortages of coffins or urns due to disrupted global supply chains caused by the pandemic.
  • Closing crematoria and other funeral venues has also been challenging, leading to delays in funeral arrangements and services.

Despite these challenges, funeral directors have worked hard to adapt to the changing circumstances and continue to provide support and guidance to families during this difficult time.

The Rise of Direct Cremations in the UK

Direct cremations are a simple and cost-effective alternative to traditional funerals that have been increasing in popularity in the UK. Here is some information on the rise of direct cremations:

  • Direct cremations involve the cremation of a body without any formal funeral service. The family can then collect the ashes for scattering or interment.
  • Direct cremations differ from traditional funerals, which involve a service or ceremony with the body present, followed by burial or cremation.
  • According to the SunLife Cost of Dying report, the popularity of direct cremations in the UK has risen by 160% over the last five years, with around 76,500 direct cremations taking place in 2020. Direct cremations remain the most cost-effective funeral type at £1,511; since 2021, it has decreased costs by 8.2%.
  • The rise of direct cremations has continued amid the COVID-19 pandemic, with many families opting for this option due to restrictions on gatherings and social distancing measures.
  • The factors driving the popularity of direct cremations include their lower cost than traditional funerals, which can involve expenses such as embalming, coffin, and cemetery fees.
  • Direct cremations also offer simplicity and flexibility, allowing families to hold their own memorial service or celebration of life in a location and at a time that suits them.
  • Environmental concerns are another factor driving the popularity of direct cremations, as they produce fewer emissions and require less land than traditional burials.

The rising demand for direct cremations reflects a growing trend towards more personalised and affordable funeral options in the UK.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of DirectCremations

Direct cremations have become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional funerals in the UK. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of direct cremations:


  • Cost: Direct cremations are generally less expensive than traditional funerals, as they do not involve many expenses associated with a traditional funeral, such as embalming, casket, and funeral service costs.
  • Convenience: Direct cremations are generally quicker and easier to arrange than traditional funerals, which can require a lot of planning and coordination between family members and funeral directors.
  • Personalisation: Direct cremations offer the flexibility to hold a memorial service or celebration of life in a location and at a time that suits the family, allowing for more personalisation.


  • Lack of closure: Without a formal funeral service, some family members may feel that they have not had the opportunity to say goodbye properly, leading to a lack of closure and potentially affecting the grieving process.
  • Emotional support: Traditional funerals allow family members and friends to come together and offer emotional support to one another, which may be lacking in the case of direct cremations.
  • Limited involvement: With direct cremations, family members may have limited involvement in funeral arrangements and may not have the opportunity to pay their final respects to the deceased.

When making funeral arrangements, it is important to consider both the benefits and drawbacks of direct cremations. While they may be a more affordable and convenient option for some families, they may not provide the same level of closure and emotional support as a traditional funeral service.

The Future of Direct Cremations in the UK

Direct cremations have been growing in popularity in the UK, and current trends suggest that this trend will likely continue. Here are some thoughts on the potential future of direct cremations in the UK:

Continued growth

The rising cost of traditional funerals and the convenience and simplicity of direct cremations suggest that the demand for direct cremations will continue to grow in the coming years. Additionally, concerns about traditional burials’ environmental impact may contribute to the increasing popularity of direct cremations.

Regulatory concerns

As direct cremations become more popular, there are concerns about the regulation and quality of service provided by direct cremation providers. Some industry experts have called for increased regulation to ensure that direct cremation providers offer a high-quality and ethical service.

Increased competition

With the growing demand for direct cremations, it is likely that there will be an increase in competition among providers, leading to greater choices and potentially lower prices for consumers.


As direct cremations become more common, providers may offer more options for personalisation, such as the ability to livestream a memorial service or hold a scattering ceremony in a location of the family’s choosing.

Greater acceptance

As more families opt for direct cremations, they may become a more accepted and mainstream option, reducing any stigma or misconceptions associated with this type of funeral.

While there are concerns about the regulation and quality of service in the direct cremation industry, the future of direct cremations in the UK appears to be one of continued growth and increased acceptance. As more families seek affordable and personalised funeral options, direct cremations will likely remain popular.

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