Thursday, May 16, 2024
Partner PostsWhat a High Team Morale Brings to a Company 

What a High Team Morale Brings to a Company 

Employee satisfaction and general retention are all very common key performance indicators when it comes to running a business. If you want to benefit your team then you need to do what you can to keep morale high. If you don’t then you may find that you end up running your team into the ground and that they don’t end up sticking around. One downside of this is that you will have to spend a  lot of money constantly recruiting and onboarding new members, which will make your business very inefficient. If you want to work around this then one thing you need to do is understand team morale and what it brings to the company. If you want to find out more about that then take a look below. 

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Source: Pexels (CC0 License) 

Putting Human into Human Resources 

At the end of the day, not every CEO has time to memories the hobbies of their team or even the names of their kids. Employers do need to take the time to acknowledge the human that is in human resources. This is so important for those who are putting in 12-hour days or more. Their dedication may increase their chance of developing depression and even diabetes. On top of this, it may be putting them at risk of heart disease. Team members who have a very positive work-life balance are much more productive and they are also more dedicated too. If you want to take advantage of these benefits then you need to take the time to offer things that you know your team will participate in. Things like corporate challenge events are great here, as they give you the chance to involve everyone properly. If you want to host a corporate challenge event then it’s worth checking out companies such as We Are Massive. They have a team of young brand ambassadors and they can work with you to make sure that you are more than satisfied with the event and the way things are run. They have also worked with companies such as Nike and Adidas in the past, so you know you’re in good hands. 

Prioritising Employee Morale 

A lot of employers will probably agree that keeping employees happy and most importantly, healthy is crucial when it comes to their overall business success. If you can take the time to focus your resources and if you can boost your employee morale then this will translate to business benefits. Paid sick days cost employers quite a lot but if you can decrease stress and if you can take care of your team more then this will save you a great deal of money. Extending sick pay to the contract workers you have can also help as it means that everyone will have a lot of financial stability overall. 

Keeping Hours Reasonable 

It’s so important that you keep your working hours reasonable. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is possible for you to increase productivity more than you realise. Employees who live in Greece work on average 42 hours per week. If you look at workers in Germany however then you will soon see that they only work 28 hours per week on average. They were also far more productive overall. If you add recruitment costs and your general business costs to this then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to help people with their situation.  Studies have shown that those who implement flexible working hours have a higher retention rate as well as increased morale. 

So as you can see, if you can boost morale then you can decrease the amount of days that your employees have off. You can also boost how productive they are on a daily basis and this is great, to say the least. Of course, if you aren’t sure how to make a positive change then the best thing you can do is sit down and talk with your team. By doing this, you can then make sure that you are helping them in the areas where they need it the most, which is crucial for their mental health. 

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